View Full Version : Will this method of layering work???

02-22-2004, 01:12 AM
Will using #7 glaze, then Klass sealant, then Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection work? will they all bond together. I plan on using my zymol carnuba wax this summer over the Klass but im wondering if Klass and Autoglym will bond together and will the autoglym and #7 bond? This is of course all after some rubbing compound and polishing with my newly arrived PC


02-22-2004, 01:14 AM

The second part of my question where I ask, "will Autoglym and #7 bond?" I meant will Klass Sealant and #7 bond

sorry guys

02-22-2004, 02:27 AM
I wouldnt recommend it......Sg really should have a clean curface prior to using, and #7 definetly has oils in it......You may discover compatibility problems.....(one day Ill even try the stuff!)

02-22-2004, 04:07 AM
Originally posted by volvoguy


The second part of my question where I ask, "will Autoglym and #7 bond?" I meant will Klass Sealant and #7 bond

sorry guys In the box to the left, below your name, there is a little button that says EDIT. You can just use that to correct your original post in the future instead of posting another one.

Sealants and glazes tend to be an either/or type of deal. That is, they don`t really work together. Glazes are usually used in conjunction with "traditional" carnauba waxes. After polishing, glaze is applied, followed by wax.

Sealants don`t like to stick to oily glazes though, so they often come with products like Klasse AIO to clean off any substance that would interfere. Trying to apply Klasse SG (which has no cleaners) directly over glaze will not work. I suspect that the same would hold true for the two equivalent Autoglym products.

IMHO, it`s somewhat redundant to try and use both Autoglym and Klasse together if you have both.

02-22-2004, 05:35 AM
Rather than trying to visually eliminate (fill) the most minute surface imperfections with #7 a better course of action would be use AIO or another polishing step with a water based product that will do the job ( i.e. Menzerna FP). This way you are assured that your protectant will bond and your pre-protectant finish is glossy, deep and wet appearing.