View Full Version : Which products should I use and in what sequence?

02-21-2004, 11:19 AM
Hi ,

can someone please help me here. I have these products and I`m not sure what to do with them.

Autoglym car shampoo

3M Swirl Remover for Dark Paints


Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection

Meguiar Gold Class Clear Coat Car Wax

Liqui-Tech Finish First polish


which products should I use and in which order? Thanks guys!

02-21-2004, 12:42 PM
Let`s start with the basics:


1. Wash

2. Clay (if needed)

3. Polish

4. Protect

5. Maintain

OK, so you have Autoglym shampoo. Good, use that.

You don`t have a paint cleaning clay so try to get some if you can. To tell if your paint needs claying, put your hand in a plastic baggie and rub lightly on your paint. Feel and hear roughness? If so, you should clay.

Next step is polishing. This step is determined by paint condition and desired results. Since you didn`t tell us about your car or its condition we`ll assume the polishes you have will do the job. Both the AG polish and the 3M SMR will work here. Test them both on a small section and see which one you like best.

The final step of work is protection. You have 3 products that will do this job; Gold Class, AG Extra Gloss, and Finish First. The AG and Finish First are very similar while the Gold Class has some polishing ability and is the least durable of the three. You might want to try all three on sections of your car to see which one gives you the look you want. I used to use Finish First and I liked it, slick and glossy. But give them a try.

The Finish Fast is a detail spray that you can use whenever your car is a little dusty or has some very light grime. Lots of us here use detail sprays (QD) between washes and to keep our cars looking good all the time.

I hope this helps. Good luck and have fun!!! :up

02-21-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by leowcj

which products should I use and in which order?

As mentioned, it is always a good idea to look at these products in terms of clean, polish, protect, maintain.


Autoglym car shampoo


3M Swirl Remover for Dark Paints


Liqui-Tech Finish First polish


Meguiar Gold Class Clear Coat Car Wax

Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection



02-21-2004, 02:36 PM
Glad to have ya here. :welcome Bretfraz has already outlined the basics for you. You`ll find a ton of good info on Autopia that will save you a lot of grief. Let me offer a few of my favorites.

To get started, I’d recommend that you read the Autopia Guide to Detailing (http://autopia-carcare.com/tps-accgtd-cd.html) – it only costs $9.95, and that money helps to support Autopia … so it’s a good cause. :up You can also find lots of good, basic info for free by reading David`s articles at the "Learn" icon at the top of the page.

Also on the home page you’ll find a link to all the acronyms (AIO, CWB, PC, PUPP, etc.) that get bandied-about regularly.

Then, what some new folks do is read thru the previous posts in the Autopia Univ forum; in addition to teaching you lots of the basics, that will give you a sense of which questions have already been asked and answered a gazillion times.

Also, a lot of folks take a while to discover our Reviews section, where we`ve posted lots of our own evaluations of products; it`s at http://www.autopia.org/review/index.php, if you`re interested.

And if/when you get ready to place orders, be sure to check on all the discounts Autopians get.

You`ll find that Autopians are really happy to share their info and experiences. Read, learn, be sure to ask us for more info. :up

02-22-2004, 02:52 AM
Originally posted by leowcj


Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection

Meguiar Gold Class Clear Coat Car Wax

Liqui-Tech Finish First polishYou have a lot of products there that are mainly for protection (or should be used in pairs). You don`t have to use them all, so you can just pick one or two. If I was doing this though, I would use the Super Resin followed by one of the other 3 products (probably Extra Gloss).

Keep in mind that 3M SMR is a mild abrasive polish for paint preparation only, while Super Resin is gentler and more like a stronger cleaner wax (it also protects a bit). Super Resin and Finish First, despite having the words "polish" in them, aren`t really polishes in the way that you might think...

02-22-2004, 05:42 AM

thanks you all for your advice. I am glad I have found this place!! :) Now I am looking at some of the product and jsut wondering why the shipment doesn`t include countries in Asia like Singapore.


02-22-2004, 12:41 PM
leowcj- Welcome to Autopia! I`ll second what 4DSC said; I`d go with the AG SRP topped with EGP. I REALLY like the SRP, but if you`re working with a basecoat/clear paint, it won`t do swirl-removal, it`ll just clean the paint. So, you`ll have to use your SMR first, as a separate step.

Note that the SRP will probably remove the fillers left by the SMR, so SOME marring that you THOUGHT you`d removed might "come back".

Autoglym makes GOOD stuff. If you can get it, you`ll be OK. You might also look into 3M products and the Meguiar`s Professional Line; they`re available all over the world.