View Full Version : Mothers Step 1 and 3M SMR

02-18-2004, 09:02 PM
If I use Mothers Step 1 (which is the polish (they call it a pre-wax) of the 3 step system) would it be over kill to use a SMR after that?

02-19-2004, 02:02 AM
Actually if anything you should use them the other way around if you want to or think you need to.

In general, pre-wax cleaners all tend to be very gentle, almost non-abrasive products - even more gentle than a swirl remover. The reason for this is because they don`t want Joe Sixpack to have any trouble using it, or even using it often if he does. By default, it`s "safer" for them to sell a product that is too mild than too strong.

One thing I`ve liked to suggest in the past sometimes is to buy the Mothers 3 Phase, but substitute a real swirl remover or some other similar "pro" type product for the Step 1.

02-19-2004, 09:36 PM
So...i should only need to use the SMR?

02-19-2004, 10:21 PM
Based on Brian`s answer, yes.

02-19-2004, 11:08 PM
You can follow the SMR with the Pre-Wax Cleaner if you like - it`ll just remove the oils SMR leaves behind.

PWC is an aluminum oxide based cleaner - very mild and safe. It`s best at removing light oxidation, previous applications of wax or glaze, and helping to feather the edges of any marring. It`s not as aggressive as SMR.