View Full Version : Muddy Underbody

02-16-2004, 07:32 PM
I know It was stupid to do but I went mudding in my truck the other day and now the entire underbody, frame and suspension components are covered in 3 or 4 inches of mud. (probably the insides of the wheels too) I went to the coin-op today and got the mud off of the body and wheel wheels after about 7 bucks worth of quarters, but the mud on the front A-arms the inside of the back bumper, some of the body mounts and the entire inside parts underneath the bed are still caked in mud. Is there something I can use to release the mud? or is high pressure water and scraping it out with my hand the only way? I`m not going mudding again!!! I guess I just needed a reminder on why I don`t take my truck offroad.

02-16-2004, 09:29 PM
Yea, you`re pretty much just going to have to get dirty on this one. I`ve not ever heard of any product that could break down/through 3-4 inches of mud and wash it away. But hey, this is the best kinda cleaning because the before/after pics will be awesome! :D :D

02-16-2004, 09:31 PM
Park over a good sprinkler for awhile. This is what we do to our 4X4`s. It will take awhile and you will wind up with lots of FILL DIRT in the yard.

02-16-2004, 09:45 PM
I usually need to go to the coin op for two seperate sessions. I`ll go once to get most of the stuff off, wait a day, then go back and get the rest off where I missed.