View Full Version : Anyone make their own products

02-11-2004, 03:47 AM
For years i`ve always had an interest in chemicals, both man made and natural and i recently came up with a brilliant product that makes chrome dazzling bright. It doesn`t polish it, you still use a metal polish like AUTOSOL and wax the chrome but instead of using window cleaner to shine up the chrome, my product does a much better job and is made entirely from fruit

Weird i know but it doesn`t stink and is all natural so won`t hurt the environment.

The chrome is so dazzling that it`s invisible and costs absolute peanuts to make.

02-11-2004, 04:43 AM
Yep... I recently made up some glass cleaner for the first time.

Distilled water

Dash of vinegar

Dash of washing up detergent

Spray a small amount onto glass then wipe with an MF. Works a treat!

02-11-2004, 06:58 PM
On a scottwax`s usually great recommendation, I mix up my own interior cleaner using a dilution of woolite. Sounds simple but it works and it`s gentle.


02-11-2004, 08:09 PM
Good stuff, i`m really getting into the all natural alternatives. Oranges if mixed in the right ratio can be a really great glass cleaner

02-11-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by mpauly

On a scottwax`s usually great recommendation, I mix up my own interior cleaner using a dilution of woolite. Sounds simple but it works and it`s gentle.

I wish I could take the credit but I can`t. I saw in on the leather care tag on a 1993 Cadillac DeVille when I was first starting out full time. ;)

02-12-2004, 09:16 AM
I have always contended that natural products from mother nature are always the best. Look at citrus extracts like Ornage or Lemon as degreasers, I know of nothing that works better! Remember, artificial ingredients were invented as a replacement for the more expensive natural ones, not necessarily as an improvement.

Grandma`s methods still work the best.