View Full Version : Advice on cleaning door jambs?

02-09-2004, 07:02 PM
How do you all clean door jambs? I find this to be one of the toughest parts of the car to get to. Can you all reccommend some procedures or brushes that work for getting in the nooks and crannies?

I have read some of the items from search but really no definitive procedures.

At this point I have been using Citri-Gel on the jambs then a pressure washer but that stil doesn`t get it done all the time.

02-09-2004, 07:04 PM
I use an Eagle One orange wheel cleaner dilution solution.

02-09-2004, 07:11 PM
I have good results with Dawn and an old Sheepskin wash mitt. Tough to get to nooks and crannies get an old, soft paint brush with a long handle so I can reach. Also, really filthy door jambs get a light agitation in the nooks and crannies with the EZ Detail Brush (Accumulator`s favorite!). I follow up with the little paint brush, maybe a little dilluted APC+ if required and then hose off. Sometimes a little Tarminator for tough spots. I use Meguiars Cleaner Wax and follow with a QD to finish off.

My door jambs always come out great.

In fact, I detailed a 14 year old Acura that was missing part of the wheel well and all the dirt and mud was lodged and crammed in the door jamb! :eek: The above procedures with a sharp jet of water cleaned it up beautifully.

02-09-2004, 07:14 PM
What is the EZ detail brush?

02-09-2004, 08:21 PM
Check this link. Free shipping too!


I really only use it on door jambs. It can cause marring if you really scrub, but it`s a nice brush to have in your arsenal for the occasional need.

02-09-2004, 09:18 PM
Check out this album. (http://groups.msn.com/jngrbrdmanshideout/jngrbrdmanscar.msnw?albumlist=2) I spent some extra time on my door jambs last summer. I was in there with a tooth brush and lots ot towels. I used diluted Simple Green a lot and that seemed to help. I finished it all up with 4 Star`s spray wax. Typically I just use QD to stay on top of the door jambs. If you are really trying to get them clean then you just have to go at them with brushes and towels. You can use soap and water for all it really matters. Just rinse it well so you don`t get water spots.



Mr. Clean
02-09-2004, 10:44 PM
I find door jambs a good application for QEW and/or Poorboy`s Spray & Wipe. Reduces the chance of splashing water into the cabin. I used sponges, MF towels for the cleaner areas and a paint brush for the grungier areas. A light spritz and wipe down with a QD completes my routine.

02-10-2004, 09:07 AM
There are different levels acceptable to differnet people. While I can`t permit dust in the door jambs, I don`t break out the DACP on it or try for a shine/protection at all. I just use cheap white terry towels from Target and Orange Blast/Simple Green.

I may not be the best autopian in this respect, but I also haven`t Zainoed the underside of my hood either.

02-10-2004, 10:55 AM
Heh heh, I`m sorta a door jamb, underside of hood/trunk fanatic; I treat them about the same as I treat the TOP of the hood :o

It`s the first cleanup that`s a big hassle! After that it`s all downhill.

Once I get them all cleaned and protected (SG, P UPP, whatever I`m using on the rest of the car), I find they don`t need redone for a very long time. For maintenance, I just clean them with regular wash solution and small boar`s hair brushes from Griot`s whenever I wash the car.

If I accidentally clean off the hinge/latch lube, I just reapply it with a pinpoint oiler. IMO, a big part of keeping these areas clean is to NOT have extraneous lube everywhere for dirt to stick to.