View Full Version : Not really detailing but pops a dent

02-07-2004, 11:59 PM
Anyone have this... www.popsadent.com Not that I want one or even need one but do these things really work? Somethings make me laugh. Anyone have one just looks like a joke to me.


02-08-2004, 12:47 AM
Actually, that one doesn`t work so well. The Ding King is actually a better consumer dent popping system. The points where it braces against the car can go at different angles and that makes it a little more versitile. If you look at those types of dent pulling systems you`ll see that they pretty much resemble the Ding King more than the popsadent thing.

Keep in mind that even professional tools don`t always work. There are some 3 or 4 hundred dollar systems that don`t work either. For $20 bucks it is a good thing to have. I`ve got one and I try it out whenever I find a door ding that I want to try and get rid of. It isn`t going to replace a professional job, but it has pulled and removed several dents that were really annoying me. I`m not going to say that its going to work 100% of the time, but even if it gets half the dents out that you try it on then its a good thing. It seriously is the same principle for the tools the professionals are using.

02-08-2004, 08:24 AM
Yup, the The Ding King can be effective.

Like a good surgeon, you have to "qualify your candidates".

Ding King makes many tools for the pros, also.

As Jngr said, for $20 bucks...


Bill D
02-08-2004, 09:19 AM
It`s very reassuring the Ding King is working for you guys. Several times on the local news it was tested and the reporters said it failed and was a waste of money. Sounds like they need an autopian on the case instead :up

02-08-2004, 10:48 AM
Its good to here those things about the "as seen on TV" dent removal stuff. I would think it would never work but if you guys have used it you would know. For 20 bucks and you only remove a couple dents its still cheaper than a body shop.

02-08-2004, 12:33 PM
I was always interested in Ding King. I don`t have dents, but my mother has a few. Maybe I`ll give it a try.:up Anyone detailer`s have it for business use?

C. Charles Hahn
02-08-2004, 01:22 PM
what is the website for the Ding King, if you`re saying it`s a better kit than this "pops a dent" thing.

02-10-2004, 08:29 AM
Google is your friend, there are several sources.

Remember, it can work. But only on well selected dents...

Most PDR guys charge $75 per panel...


02-10-2004, 02:41 PM
You can get it in retail stores like Target. I got mine at FredMeyer, but that`s probably a local type chain. I`m sure you can find one at somewhere like Target or WalMart.

I`ve used it on customer cars before. I haven`t felt confident enough to charge for it, but I have thrown it in as an added bonus. I never tell them that I`m going to do it until I`ve managed to pull the dent. Then its kind of like a tip for them instead of the other way around. I don`t have the confidence in the tool to say that I can pull any dent, but it has worked on at least half the dents I`ve tried it on. Even on the other 50% that it didn`t work on, it still managed to make them a little smaller and less noticiable. Its a worthwhile thing to have.

Remember, its not all about the product. The process is what you need to have. The TV guys may just not have had the process down right. There is a bit of a learning curve to using it.

02-17-2004, 11:37 AM
Before shelling out the money for a dent king, try the toilet plunger. The toilet plunger can be quite effective at popping out dents.

02-17-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by foxtrapper

Before shelling out the money for a dent king, try the toilet plunger. The toilet plunger can be quite effective at popping out dents.



02-17-2004, 03:24 PM
Yep, these glue pullers can work well on some dents. I have one and got my $20 out of it. but many dents cannot be removed 100% with this product. The review I saw on these one time on TV showed the tv crew going to a professional body shop to do the review. Is it any wonder that they would make it look like crap? I could do a better job and this was supposed to be the pros.

02-17-2004, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by foxtrapper

Before shelling out the money for a dent king, try the toilet plunger. The toilet plunger can be quite effective at popping out dents.

You know I have used a plunger and it works quite well, no joke acctually It pulld a rather large dent out.

02-17-2004, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by foxtrapper

Before shelling out the money for a dent king, try the toilet plunger. The toilet plunger can be quite effective at popping out dents.

I`d like to see you get a door ding out with a toilet plunger. :lol If the dent were so large that a toilet plunger would work on it then it would be waaaaaay too big for a ding king type of tool.

02-17-2004, 11:24 PM
Hehe im getting visions of guys in their driveway with plugers sticking to their doors hehe.