View Full Version : Corey things NXT is good, not great.

Corey Bit Spank
02-06-2004, 11:07 AM
I like to test products that are overhyped I guess. I bought Blackfire II last year and wasn`t totally impressed until I could see the results in the summer (I bought it in the winter of course).

Anyway, I got a sample of QEW and NXT from tpgsr (diamond detailing). I love the QEW, but the NXT fails to impress me. Sure, Blackfire has its downfalls, but I think it`s better than NXT. We`ll see, I`ll but them side to side on a black car and see which one looks better. I did my accord which is metallic, so it`s difficult to tell. I didn`t prep, but the paint is still in good condition (2 coats of Blackfire in late October). I didn`t need to clay bar as the paint was already smooth. Water would still bead up, not to the extent of "freshly wax" but enough to know there was still wax on the paint and it wasn`t just the adhesion of the water alone that made it bead. I didn`t polish because I wanted to do a quick wax--and maybe that is what made my results swayed, but quite frankly if NXT is going to be put next to, say, Mothers Reflections on a shelf, then most consumers will probably just wash and wax like they would with a cleaner wax.

Blackfire wins the "slick to the touch" test hands down. I put a coat of blackfire on my wheels and noticed that it`s much oilier than NXT, but it`s what makes it so easy to spread. I used a bit more NXT with the PC and black pad then I would with blackfire. Infact, with blackfire I would skip using the PC for apply wax because it is so easy to spread. It`s possible that the QEW may have had a hand in this. I noticed that QEW doesn`t leave the paint as slick as a conventional car soap does. Maybe I should have hit the car with final inspection before applying the NXT. It was cold and I wanted to go back into the house quickly.

Removal of NXT is easier than blackfire. Granted, it was below freezing and damp out, so I bet in the right conditions NXT would be a snap to buff off. Blackfire is...well, the oils that make it so slick make it difficult to buff off.

I woke up this morning to freezing rain. NXT beads very well, they`re not completely uniform as the beads on Blackfire are, but it`s pretty good. Much better than two days ago. ;)

And now: appearences. When I first got my car and used Blackfire people couldn`t believe it had 96,000 miles on it. Nobody seemed to care with NXT that it was waxed. My dad said "oh, it`s clean" when he came home, but he said he had to feel the paint to know it was waxed. My mom didn`t notice anything. My friend who knew it was waxed told me it looked better with the Blackfire. And I know you are all waiting for my opinion on the looks, and really I don`t think it`s a good judgement because I DACP`d, BF polish, then BF wax in october, and I just put NXT over 4 month old BF. It does shine well, and i like how it looks. We`ll see when I get the chance to do a full detail on the Stratus.

Maybe I`ll have a digital camera then and I can grace autopia with my detailing zest. ¡OLE!

Corey Bit Spank
02-06-2004, 02:35 PM
I just noticed a typo in the title of the thread. And probably more. I was rushing to class.

C. Charles Hahn
02-06-2004, 03:52 PM
I`ll throw in a reply here.... not all people don`t like your thread... and I agree; its "okay" but nothing special; I`ve got other products I like better.

02-06-2004, 04:10 PM
Interesting observations Corey.

I`m holding back my review until I`m satisfied with the amount of testing I`ve done with the product. However, it seems to me the consensus is building that NXT isn`t worthy of all the pre-release hype it was given.

Thanks for your thoughts. :up

10-01-2007, 07:43 PM
Why am I finding 3 year old threads on the bottom of todays posts? Wow !!!

Corey was right, NXT is OK and thats all..

10-01-2007, 07:46 PM
This is funny as all hell!!!

Big Leegr
10-02-2007, 04:11 AM
Probably you`re looking at the "similar threads" section at the bottom of the screen. A listing of threads that may be of interest to you based on similar key words etc. as compared to the topic of the thread you chose to read.

10-02-2007, 08:22 AM
It`s possible to get 3+ months of durability from NXT if you only wash it monthly and you are in a dry climate (little rain)

10-02-2007, 09:55 AM
It`s possible to get 3+ months of durability from NXT if you only wash it monthly and you are in a dry climate (little rain)

Not to perpetuate a myth, or an old thread... :chuckle: Where did this thread come back from?

You don`t really need a dry climate with little rain for 3 months of protection from NXT. This beading shot was of a Lexus RX330 that calls the Milwaukee/Chicago area home. I should point out that his area of the country has poor air quality and very acid rain. The Midwest has the largest concentration of old, dirty coal-fired power plants in the nation. Not to mention our 4-5 month salt season called Winter.

NXT (x2) beading after 92 days. Close to weekly washing with Gold Class. Garaged evenings. Occasional FI dust removal. It may not look as shiny as when you just applied it but the protection lasts. Been using NXT on my daily driver for over two years now and the paint is in great condition. Cheap, quick and easy, great initial wet-look shine, long lasting protection, just what I want for my workmobile.



10-02-2007, 01:24 PM
One thing I found (and heard from others) about NXT is that it`s extremely color dependent.

Personally I found it looked like crap on my bright red Mustang, but on a friends blue WRX, it looked great. I can`t speak to the longevity, since the next week I clayed and applied another product.

10-02-2007, 02:52 PM
One thing I found (and heard from others) about NXT is that it`s extremely color dependent.

Personally I found it looked like crap on my bright red Mustang, but on a friends blue WRX, it looked great. I can`t speak to the longevity, since the next week I clayed and applied another product.

Really? Here is the look on a 1991 red MR2. That`s the look I`m after.


10-02-2007, 09:12 PM
Really? Here is the look on a 1991 red MR2. That`s the look I`m after.

Wow -- that looks great!

It seemed to sure hate my paint. (or vice versa) :nixweiss It was all shine and no depth.

10-03-2007, 12:17 AM
I love NXT on my black Jetta, well, black in general I guess. It always looks deeap and wet. My only complaint is sometimes I wish it would last a little longer.