View Full Version : Trim Detailer??

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02-05-2004, 02:09 AM
Hello fellow obsessive detailers. Do you all think that Mothers Duration Tire Gel will work well on rubber trim? It seems to me that it should. I have used B2B on my trim and it worked very well but came off during the first rainfall. Maybe jus maybe this will be an acceptable substitute? Any opinions???

02-05-2004, 07:23 AM
I think I actually did try Endurance Gel by Meguiars at one point....that was before I found Stoners Trim Shine. SOOO much better! I spray all the trim with it before washing the car...once the car as been washed, all the overspray is gone and the trim looks great! It lasts for quite a while too.

Otherwise, Wizards Products Black Renew is a trim gel that you rub onto the trim.

02-05-2004, 09:32 AM
Meguiar`s Gold Class Trim Detailer is the product I find which fills all the requirements. It looks great and durability is very good. It`s thick so it`s great for fine trim and it`s not expensive.

02-05-2004, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Dale DeSteno

I think I actually did try Endurance Gel by Meguiars at one point....that was before I found Stoners Trim Shine. SOOO much better! I spray all the trim with it before washing the car...once the car as been washed, all the overspray is gone and the trim looks great! It lasts for quite a while too.

Otherwise, Wizards Products Black Renew is a trim gel that you rub onto the trim.

Can one use teh Stoners Trim Shine on hard plastic running boards. I have a MDX with black running boards and was wondering if this product is better than 303.

Also, what is the opinion on Mother`s Back to Black?

02-05-2004, 11:53 AM
B2B works great..... At least for about a week till it rains or you wash your vehicle. It formed streaks on my trim but with another application i was good to go. Thats what it did on my trim yours may be different....

02-05-2004, 01:15 PM
Running boards? I would imagine it would work fine, but my question is would it be too slippery??? You don`t want to break your ankle because you want nice looking running boards! ha!

02-05-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Blake

Meguiar`s Gold Class Trim Detailer is the product I find which fills all the requirements. It looks great and durability is very good. It`s thick so it`s great for fine trim and it`s not expensive.

I have some of this at home. I have only used it once though. But I do remember it sticking and holding up well.

02-05-2004, 07:38 PM
We interrupt this thread to bring you a nit-pickin` little message from one of your Moderators.

Maybe this is a good time (since I note the thread originated from a new Autopian) to remind folks about two nifty features at Autopia.

First, the Product Reviews section is sadly underutilized. You can access it from the link at the top of all the pages. Or just go right here (http://www.autopia.org/review/index.php) and click on the section that interests you.

Second, in the words of some great Autopians, "The search engine is your friend." :D In this thread (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24657) -- which, by the way, begins with a then-newbie`s "testimonial" on how useful the search engine and archives are -- several folks explain why we usually can learn a lot more by searching than we can from any single thread.

I am really NOT "going-off" on you, vprdak. But your query and some of the follow-on questions remind me that sometimes we forgot about the other great resources that are available to us here at Autopia.

We now return to our regularly-scheduled programming.

02-05-2004, 07:41 PM
Meguiars #38 is pretty good and has decent durability.

02-06-2004, 12:20 AM
Sorry there Lynn, I suppose i have gotten a little over zealous with posting on this website......

02-06-2004, 02:50 AM
Lynn, I think vprdak was asking if it`s OK to use a brand of tire GEL on trim. I don`t think that question has been covered or answered here on Autopia.

I did a search for Mothers Duration and got a few hits but found nothing that related to the original question. Nothing on the product reviews section either.

Did you find something I wasn`t able to find?

02-06-2004, 09:31 AM
You can use Duration on trim, but honestly the thicker products like it don`t penetrate as well as thinner ones.

I prefer a good rubber and vinyl protectant myself. It may not last as long, but the coverage is better (more even) in my opinion.

02-06-2004, 12:24 PM
Intermezzo, thank you for making my topic more clear. I am thinking about using Megs #40 instead of duration what do you guys think about that. Or should i put #40 down first then a layer of duration for protection or will the duration jus take the #40 right back off???

02-06-2004, 12:38 PM

trim dressing traditionally does not hold up well to rain or washing. Meguiar`s 40 is a good product and as long as you apply it properly (i.e., apply, wait 10-15 mins and then buff with a clean towel), it shouldn`t streak or run when it rains.

I wouldn`t do the #40/duration combo. I just applied 303 to the trim of my wife`s car last weekend and it`s holding up fine despite all the rain we had this week. Like Forrest said, I think the key is to use a thin product (like #40).

02-06-2004, 12:42 PM
Ok indeed i will. What do you think about increasing the endurance of # 40 by applying say three or four coats and then waiting 10-15 mins and buffing off??