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02-04-2004, 12:36 PM
Anyone tried this yet?

Looking to make the switch from Pinnacle BWS.

02-04-2004, 12:50 PM
sonnydaze1 could give you more definative answers but to me it looks to be a great product. just got mine yesterday and will try it out in a few hours over 1z pp/glanz wax. after the perls im going to put a layer of nxt. stay poted for pictures.

02-04-2004, 01:15 PM

Sounds like you`ve been bit by the 1Z bug! I guess I`ve been reading a lot of your questions regarding the 1Z stuff lately....

Anyway, about Perls, I can`t give you a comparision to the Pinnacle product but I have used 1Z Exclusiv and Mothers California Gold Shampoo. I have to say, I was leary of the cost of the Perls when I first started hearing about it, but once I used it I just kind of forgot about it. This stuff is really worth the extra cost! It doesn`t lather up like you would expect a shampoo to but it is very lubricating and cleans grim with a swipe. Once you rinse you`ll immediately notice the thousands of tiny "pearls" of water beading up. I like to follow with a final rinse of water with the nozzle removed from the hose. Once you sheet the water off you`ll be amazed at the few droplets of water left to dry. To top it off you`ll get renewed gloss that makes you wonder if you even dried your car. Even when it is time to wash again, I wet down the car and the beading is still there, so you know you are getting protection.

I never was a big fan of "wash and wax" type shampoos but this is a completely different beast. This shampoo lives up to the promises on the label. I don`t even "top" my Glanz with a carnauba although I will use FD to get dust and smudges here and there.

I know I sound super excited but I know you will be pleased if you purchase this product. I think you were wondering about touch-up`s with different products and such (1Z forum thread on the differences in the polishes, I think), with this you may not if have to worry with it. :xyxthumbs

02-04-2004, 01:30 PM
Thanks Macgirl :xyxthumbs

I can`t wait to try all the 1Z products I`ve ordered. I definitely have the 1Z bug. :D

tom p.
02-04-2004, 02:03 PM
I think some of the basic shampoos like SONAX or Pinnalce shampoos just excellent and leave a nicer finish, IMO.

02-04-2004, 03:14 PM
There is very little I can add to Macgirl`s commentary. I am sold on Perls.

02-04-2004, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by tom p.

I think some of the basic shampoos like SONAX or Pinnalce shampoos just excellent and leave a nicer finish, IMO.

Good Lord! How much does the Perls cost if Pinnacle is considered "basic" :eek: ;)

That description of 1Z sounded a lot like #00 to me... :nixweiss

02-04-2004, 08:17 PM
Here ya go... go to the detailer`s forum and look at my NXT over 1z post.


1z pp

1z GW


Megs FI


megs FI

all i gotta say is wow...im sold!!!! You`ll want to wash you car everyday.

02-04-2004, 08:30 PM
Good Lord! How much does the Perls cost if Pinnacle is considered "basic"

From the Autopia Car Care store: $7.95 for 250 ml. That was the same price as the 500 ml 1Z Exclusiv Shampoo, and I think Sonax was about that much also.

tom p.
02-05-2004, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by Aurora40

Good Lord! How much does the Perls cost if Pinnacle is considered "basic" :eek: ;)

I think the Perls is around $8 for the 250mL size.

The Pinnacle is a fair value in the half gallon size, the pint bottles are getting pretty expensive.

What happened to the 1Z Glanz shampoo???? I don`t see it any longer. That is also an excellent shampoo.

02-05-2004, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by tom p.

I think the Perls is around $8 for the 250mL size.

The Pinnacle is a fair value in the half gallon size, the pint bottles are getting pretty expensive.

What happened to the 1Z Glanz shampoo???? I don`t see it any longer. That is also an excellent shampoo.

I also use Glanz Shampoo. I bought three bottles at detailers paradise for half off. I have started using Glanz Shampoo because of the cost. It works really well.

02-05-2004, 09:47 AM
I`m always looking for new products to try out and from all of the reviews that I`ve read, I think I`m going to try it out. So, my list of products to use when Spring comes is getting bigger. :D

Perls Shampoo





Using a new PC :bounce :bounce

Am I missing something???

tom p.
02-05-2004, 09:48 AM
Has the 1Z Glanz shampoo been discontinued? :(

02-05-2004, 09:49 AM
the glanz shampoo has been replaced by the Perls and will no longer be available soon. i`ve still got a case of it left though. i suppose i could knock a buck off the price for some interested Autopians though. anyone interested? let me know(15 bottles left).

tom p.
02-05-2004, 10:49 AM
....can`t image why they would discontinue such an excellent product as the Glanz shampoo. http://www.stupid-boy.com/smilies/contrib/ruinkai/wscared.gif

It may be the slickest stuff I`ve ever tried. I really like it.