View Full Version : DACP, No Powdery residue?

01-22-2004, 10:13 PM
I just got DACP last weekend. The weather is too cold to work on the car, but I can`t wait to try it. I went to the basement and notice the washing machine has all kind of cobweb effect.

I buffed the lid with terry towel. I was expecting to get some powdery residue like what has been discussed in this forum. After 2 minutes rubbing it in, the surface was glossy. It looked like the DACP was completely gone.

The cobweb effect is reduced but not completely gone.

1) The question is why I did not see the powdery residue?

2) How much pressure do you put on the towel? I did put a strong pressure, maybe that`s why all the polish got wiped off so quick.

01-22-2004, 10:22 PM
Do a search for Scottwax, hand application and DACP.

I can not answer your question, as I have not used DACP by hand.


01-22-2004, 11:57 PM
Not enough product?

01-23-2004, 12:18 AM
I just did 1/2 the top of my large tool box with DACP and rubbed till dry and was no real powder. Paint on tool box was single stage and very soft the DACP actually left hazing and I used the same rag to apply Menzerna polish to get it out .. so I know the haze was not rag induced. DACP took off the oxidation very well.

01-23-2004, 12:19 AM
I think it is just the nature of the product. Using it with a foam pad on a polisher leaves + flings some product. By hand, especially with a terry towel, it is mostly absorbed and "caked" onto the cloth. Thats just my experience with polishing by hand.

01-23-2004, 02:05 PM
Arent appliances and some tool boxes more of a porcelain finish? DACP must be a pretty strong product to be able to "cut" porcelain.

01-23-2004, 02:36 PM
I would tend to think that you won`t be able to completely buff out the DACP by hand, and thus no powder. It takes more than 2 minutes to buff it out using the PC so...

Tim Lingor
01-23-2004, 08:09 PM

When using DACP with a rotary, you need to buff it until there is only a light powder/residue remaining.

If you using a PC, it will take 5-6 minutes on 2`x2` area for the DACP to break down properly.

Though you can use the DACP by hand (and some like Scottwax get incredible results), I have found the best results from a Rotary or a PC, in that order of preference.
