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01-22-2004, 10:23 AM
May be a stupid question, but here it goes. I just got a Carbon Gray Acura TSX & wanted suggestions on how to remove bird crap without ruining the finish. Thanks for the help in advance.:o

01-22-2004, 10:33 AM
Take it off ASAP. Plase a kleenex over it and spray with water or QD. Let is soak to soften the mess. remove the kleenex then wipe off the mess with a MF towel (to minimize scratches)

01-22-2004, 10:42 AM
The below is clipped from a post in the Autopia Archives. I didn`t want to take credit for this but I can say that after some of my own research, his comments are dead accurate:

In the many professional trade journal articles I have written, I have addressed the acids on paint concern several times.

For the last 15 of my many years in the business of vehicle paint, trim etc, I have studied, consulted, etc on this issue

Bird droppings are acid!

The paint, non clear or clear is porus!

It is a resin system and the system may be eaten apart by acids when H2O and heat are present.

The dark metallic basecoat colors are the first to experience etching, then the dark non metallic basecoat colors.

The use of QD`s is not recommended by this writer!

You must get the acids out of the clear!

For this, you need a quick way to dry and draw them out.

Have a glass cleaner with a high Isopropal Alcohol content in the trunk!

There is a more certain way to get it out, but that is to involved for when you come out and find the dropping.

Even doing as I am about to write will not guareentee that you will not experience some etching!

As soon as you see the dropping, wet it throughly with the alcohol based glass cleaner, no ammonia, no butyls in it. Both will accelerate the reaction of the acids.

No waxes, no dimethal silicones, etc when you clean and attempt to draw out the acids, they will only serve to lock them into the porusity and allow them to concentrate, waiting for some heat and H2O to activate them.

You may even take a spray bottle and mix rubbing alcohol and water, at a 50/50 or even a 70% IPA and 30% water.

Soak the area!! Let it set for at least 2 to 3 minutes so it may penetrate and since the alcohol is a drying agent, it will pull the acids up and out , the water in the mix is not an issue!

Once it has liquified the dropping totally, wipe off with a soft cloth and respray and let set again for a couple of minutes, then wipe dry.

Will it stop it everytime, NO, but then the damage to the clear may already be in place, will it remove all the acids, that depends of so many factors that it is impossible to determine.

Nothing in the world is perfect, including this, but based upon my 15 years of working with vehicle manufacturers, the paint manufacturers, the port operations, the dealerships, detailers etc, it is has been found to be the most effective method.


01-22-2004, 10:45 AM
Quote: Need Advice On Bird Excrement

~One man’s opinion / observations~

First let me say :welcome to Autopia.

Second there’s no such thing as a stupid question, only the one that’s unasked.

Your question: It contains highly acidic concentrates, which if left for any length of time will etch the paint film surface, they also contain seed and sand, so always thoroughly flush with a liquid and remove with care so as to avoid scratching the paint film surface.

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justadumbarchitect * so i question everything*

01-22-2004, 11:23 AM
Thanks for the help guys.:D

01-22-2004, 11:24 AM
Just use your shirt sleeve as you would with snot.

Really though, Poorboy`s Bird Sh#t Remover might not be a bad thing to carry in the car or at least a quick detailer to get the poo off right away.

01-22-2004, 11:25 AM
Carbonated water will aggitate the bird excrement and break it apart. Rinse with distilled water (prevents water spots). I have a spray bottle of distilled water for quick rinses. Drying using a MF.

Hope this helps.


01-22-2004, 01:03 PM
Hi! Funk! welcome!

This is Dudenalude :D Hope you got the bird poo off!

01-22-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by 2001civicex

Just use your shirt sleeve as you would with snot.


Funk, if you don`t want to deal with teh excrement, move to Michigan. No birds have been near my car for the past 2 months. Of course, it`s gray from salt. :mad:

01-22-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by randy98mtu


Funk, if you don`t want to deal with teh excrement, move to Michigan. No birds have been near my car for the past 2 months. Of course, it`s gray from salt. :mad:

The salt sucks and I work right on the Detroit River so in the Summer I have seaguls to worry about. :mad:

01-22-2004, 02:01 PM
bretfraz, thanks for posting that, interesting read.

01-22-2004, 02:01 PM
I`ve got a black 1994 (and thus non-clearcoated) Miata that I have to get bird crap off nearly daily this time of year. I just soak it with QD and take it off.

As per the pH fretting, I`m sure that there is some valid data behind that. But my car gets pooped on constantly and the only poop burn it has on it was a gift from the previoius owner.

If there is an amount on my car that makes me panic, I`ll go to the u-spray-em carwash and use the rinse only to get it and accumulated dust off my car. I have a 22 minute 75 mph drive that gets all the water off before it dries. I don`t recommend doing that if you can`t insure that the water will get off your car, as you haven`t really cleaned it, so no absorber use to dry it.


imported_The Uncle
01-22-2004, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by randy98mtu


Funk, if you don`t want to deal with teh excrement, move to Michigan. No birds have been near my car for the past 2 months. Of course, it`s gray from salt. :mad:

Or come to Los Angeles. We don`t have problems with birds out here, because the smog knocks `em right out of the air.

01-22-2004, 02:37 PM
Move to Houston - it is so humid here all the time the crap never dries out and the acid it contains is "automagically" thinned out! ;)

01-22-2004, 02:48 PM
Houston sounds good! These bird around here seem like they eat fast drying super glue!!