View Full Version : Absolutely filthy MF towels - throw away?

01-21-2004, 05:07 PM
I used one of my MF towels to clean the side skirts of my car (bottom sides). This is where a lot of the nastiest stuff gets deposited and I noticed when I was done cleaning that it was really dirty and even had a bit of tar in it that I picked out.

I tried washing it like I do all my towels (but not WITH them) and the towel is still discolored. Should I just throw this thing away?

How do you guys go through detailing so many cars without constantly buying new towels?

SHould I soak these towels in Simple Green first or something before I put them in the washer? I`d buy some more expensive towels if I knew I could keep them clean!

(Mine are the Concordia/Wal-Mart MF towels)

01-21-2004, 05:09 PM
What did you use to wash the towel?

I would try soak with murphy`s oil and then wash with hot water using wool light.


01-21-2004, 05:10 PM
For the price of Concordia towels, I would just wash them and relegate them to wheel cleaning. These towels are cheap and plentiful. I think I must have about 20 of them.

01-21-2004, 06:06 PM
I`m with andriver on this. Clean them as best you can (with something VERY strong) and then relegate them to nasty jobs like the back side of your wheels, your undercarriage, etc.

01-21-2004, 06:16 PM
Obviously wash separately from the others and add like a 1/2 cup of Simple Green along with your detergent.

Works for me!

01-21-2004, 06:51 PM
deffy, head over to walmart and pick up 4 packs of the walmart MFs. dedicate them to all those nasty duties :)