View Full Version : Sealent Question

01-17-2004, 09:11 PM
Ok I have gotten my new ride and come spring since its also a daily driver I think I want to protect it with a sealent and then top it with something Trade Secret Paste Wax or s100/p21s.

The color is Dark Shadow Grey. I have never used a sealent before and never really looked into them before. But after doing some looking around I have thourly confussed myself.

Some refer to some as being saturated in oil? I thought a sealent didnt have oils?

Polymere sealent? synthetic sealent?

Basically what I been looking into is -

PoorBoys EX

Platinum UPP

Klasse SG

Was wandering what your experiance recomendations might be.

Or are Sealents overated in the summer when the weather is nice and you can detail pretty much when you want?