View Full Version : Even more weird than I thought!

09-14-2004, 07:52 AM
I was just reading some threads about different products, their make-up, their history, their smell, etc.
It struck me how little attention I ever pay to that sort of thing. I think I have some curiosity, but evidently much less than most people.
1. I couldn`t tell you what any of the products I use smell like. Must not be too bad or I would surely notice.
2. Never even wondered what carnauba was, let alone the different varieties. Just knew it made my car shiny.:)
3. Didn`t realize that "diminishing abrasives" even existed. Just knew you had to work some products longer to get the results I wanted. Never thought about why. It just had to be done.
4. Very seldom really wondered what happened to a product line that disappeared from the shelves. Just griped because I couldn`t find it anymore.
5. I have no idea or interest in how computers work. You hit enter and things happen. (Not always good things)
6. I will hear that our friends just had a baby. Great! My wife wants to know: boy or girl, how long, how much did it weigh? Hey, all I asked was if everyone was O.K. Everyone was, end of story.
Lots of things jst go over my head because I really don`t seem to care.
Does anyone else find that they kind of just accept things without too much thought? Or is this just another quirk in my personality?


09-14-2004, 08:25 AM
It`s that Y chromosome that men have. It allows us to actually not care about trivial stuff like that. I work very hard to not talk to anybody that my wife might want to know something about. I have also taken to not telling her anything than I am not prepared to give a detailed blow by blow account of the conversation. Some of us may notice when a product goes off the shelf, but for men it just registers as a "Oh well... I guess I`ll keep my eye out for it in the bargin bin someday." To women it is grounds to start a newsletter and call 300 of their friends and even some strangers to tell them about it.

I don`t think you are weird, Charles. You just have a capital Y chromosome. :bigups That is the way the most guys I know feel about stuff. Even when my own son was born I could have cared less about how long he was and how much he weighed. I just wanted to make sure he had enough fingers and toes to properly detail a car someday. :naughty

09-14-2004, 08:29 AM
Unless I can smell a product when I first open it up I don`t put it up to my nose and sniff. As a matter of fact I think such act is illegal in Ohio.

09-14-2004, 08:58 AM
Hey Guys,

I feel slammed for not having a "Y"!

Maybe I`ll PM AWD330 and we can call 300 of our friends and start a petition to get that commodity put back on the shelf - if it`s so VALUABLE!!

Rick - If you actually used those products, you`d be smelling them in the application thereof!


J/K guys!! We know you`re different! Don`t get all ticked! Or we`ll have to resort to our secret weapons!!

09-14-2004, 09:00 AM
Norah! I`m stayin` out of it.

09-14-2004, 09:48 AM
I`ve always had thoughts about the saying " well that`s what they say" you can be talking about almost anything and someone will chime in with this one at some point. What I want to know is

Who are these they people
How do they know so much
What college did these they go to
What are they in every conversation

Just a thought