View Full Version : 1ZPP under SG?

01-10-2004, 11:07 AM
Was thinking of using 1ZPP and then following with sgX2 and then Natty wax. Will I have any problems with SG after using the 1ZPP or perhaps 1ZMP?

01-10-2004, 11:24 AM
Yeah, I`d bet that you WOULD have problems. I just LOVE the 1Z polishes, but I always follow them up with AIO before using SG. The 1Z (consumer line) polishes have SO many oils that the SG isn`t gonna (IMO) bond with them. And the Metallic Polish actually contains wax, so the SG SURELY won`t stick very well to IT.

Just take a few extra minutes and use the AIO after polishing. It`ll clean off the 1Z`s residual stuff and give you a good base for the SG.

01-10-2004, 12:42 PM
accumalator, thanks for the reply! I expected as much but wanted to be sure. I have the !z polish for a while and haven`t had the chance to try them yet, but looking forward to it. Thanks again.