View Full Version : Will Citrius Cleaner eat through Klasse

01-09-2004, 08:49 PM
I`ve got a new way of cleaning my wheels. Citri-Gel and a little soaking. After about 5-10 minutes, I just agitate and get deep down with my sheepsking mitt, rinse and it`s all clean.

Are Citrius cleaners neutral enough that it won`t eat through a sealant like Klasse. I usually end up cleaning my wheels like this almost every time, since they notoriously dust so bad. When the pads & rotors wear thin, I will be changing them out to Axxis pads.

If the Citrius cleaners won`t eat through the Klasse, I may Klasse or Collonite Insulator Wax them beforehand also.

01-09-2004, 11:26 PM
Meh, most all-purpose cleaners will strip waxes or sealants. Being citrus may possibly make it even stronger...

01-10-2004, 12:21 AM
Yes i would think so. As was mentions any harsh detergent will strip whatever you have on there.