View Full Version : I`m a Rain-Ex--Aquapel question

01-05-2004, 07:26 AM
Used Aquapel for the first time today and will get to judge wet performance tomorrow.


On many to most of the aquapel application posts, people report a bit of hazing, perhaps some bubbling, and difficulty removing the aquapel. I applied the aqp only to the windshield and got two passes out of the applicator. Prior to the application, I used the following cleaning routine: IG, alcohol w/ sponge, IG, clay, IG. My concern is that after I let the aqp sit on the windshield for @5 minutes, it wiped right off with a mf, no hazing, no problem. Also, I didn`t ever see any bubbling; I did see the wet surface begin to look almost like it had frozen. Did I wait too long, not long enough, prep poorly, or luck out? Thanks.

--posted this in another thread but thought it may have been too hidden. Sorry for the re-post.

Fred Flinstone
01-05-2004, 10:09 AM
Temprature should be 50 degrees and above to start

When you apply aquapel it should start beading up as it reacts to the glass. I have used Aquapel for 8 months now and love it.

Hopefully you got good instructions but short and sweet is...

Assuming your glass is clean allow the first application to bead up and react with the glass (about 30 seconds)...Wipe glass with a dry paper towel to remove the beads of aquapel....Re-apply aquapel to the drivers area again and if you appear to have some left on the pad do the passenger side again also.

Let this 2nd application react with the glass for about a minute then just clean the glass thuroughly with a mild cleaner such as windex with vinegar and that should be it.

The hazing thing I believe is over rated when you consider what aquapel will do for your vision in the rain but that is just my opinion.

Fred Flinstone
01-05-2004, 10:19 AM
As to prepping the windshield I use and amonia based glass cleaner like windex. These places where you pay 15-30 bucks don`t spend more than 2 minutes prepping the windshield.

I guess it can`t hurt but seems like you overdid the prepping.

My concern is with all these things being put on the glass prior to applying aquapel is residue. Aquapel just needs clean glass and 50 degrees or over. I know some swear by clay and other fancy cleaners but I would just keep it simple.