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01-04-2004, 02:14 PM
Now that I have QEW, I have a couple questions on doing some mobile detailing. I have a Toyota Camry that carries all my tools.

What should I do for water storage in a car like this, just carry gallon jugs mixed with QEW? What is the best tool for drying QEW? MF? Also I bought the QEW from Camping world- 32oz for $13.99 and $1 shipping. Is this a good price?

Also what about vacuuming if there is no electric supply? Do they make anything to use your car adapter? I have a 6 gal wet/dry vac.

01-04-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by AutoNova

Now that I have QEW, I have a couple questions on doing some mobile detailing. I have a Toyota Camry that carries all my tools.

What should I do for water storage in a car like this, just carry gallon jugs mixed with QEW? What is the best tool for drying QEW? MF? Also I bought the QEW from Camping world- 32oz for $13.99 and $1 shipping. Is this a good price?

Also what about vacuuming if there is no electric supply? Do they make anything to use your car adapter? I have a 6 gal wet/dry vac.

1. I carry a 6.5 gallon mini-water tank that I purchased from Wal-Mart for about $4.99 that I use to carry my water.

2. I mix QEW when I arrive at the customer`s location with the proper measuring amounts.

3. I now use a WW drying towel from PakShak to dry vehicles.....awesome towel!

4. I too purchased a 32oz. from Camping World and that price is the best I`ve seen.

5. I rarely run into no electric situations as far as vacuuming is concerned. But, from what I`ve previously researched here at Autopia, it seems the hand held Shark vacuum seems to get good reviews.

Hope this helps!:xyxthumbs

01-04-2004, 04:28 PM
That is good advice, I am still concerned how to do a complete detail on location w/o being able to use a vacuum? Are most people just doing the washa and that is it?

Scott P
01-04-2004, 05:44 PM
Wow...$1 shipping! I just bought a gallon for $31.38 with tax and shipping. Last time I checked Camping World, they wanted $7 to ship. My local RV place wanted $44 plus tax for a gallon.

01-04-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by AutoNova

That is good advice, I am still concerned how to do a complete detail on location w/o being able to use a vacuum? Are most people just doing the washa and that is it?

I`ve never had a problem with any customer not wanting me to use their outlet. Besides, most wouldn`t like the noise of a generator anyway. Even most businesses have an available outlet. Still, I do have a rechargable Euro Shark vacuum and a Campbell-Hausen 12 volt vacuum that resembles the hand held Dirt Devil (rotating brushes) that works very well.

01-04-2004, 06:33 PM
I guess I may be on the wrong track or trying to accomplish the wrong objective. For people that mobile detail for offices and places of business they may not want a cord extending out the door. If you are in a parking lot there won`t be electricity. So are most people just selling the wash using QEW and lettting the customer know that is just an exterior wash only??

That is all it can really be if you can not vaccum, or do most people just shake out the mats and hand brush?

Also how do people do tires with QEW?

01-04-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by AutoNova

Also how do people do tires with QEW?

I`m no expert, just did my first try with it today. I used the 2 bucket version and when it came to doing wheels and tyres I used the rinse water and a brush to start with, being careful not to splash. Once the worst of the dirt was loosened I went over the wheels/tyres with a MF cloth and the QEW wash water. Seemed to work ok, just keep older cloths for wheels/tyres and I`d say you`ll be ok. :)

01-04-2004, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by AutoNova

I guess I may be on the wrong track or trying to accomplish the wrong objective. For people that mobile detail for offices and places of business they may not want a cord extending out the door. If you are in a parking lot there won`t be electricity. So are most people just selling the wash using QEW and lettting the customer know that is just an exterior wash only??

That is all it can really be if you can not vaccum, or do most people just shake out the mats and hand brush?

Also how do people do tires with QEW?

In a rare case where I don`t have access to electricity for my Craftsman 4 HP Vac, I resort to my hand held 12 volt Craftsman Vac which is rechargeable. Every office complex I`ve been too, I haven`t had a problem with a customer not wanting my extension cord extending out the office door, etc. There was one situation where it looked like medium pedestrian traffic through the office complex, so I put a orange cone where the cord was to alert passeby`s to be careful.

In most cases being a mobile detailer, you would need to learn how to adopt the Marine Corps way of thinking.....Improvise - Adapt - Overcome. You just have to use common sense in tough situations all the while doing quality work. Sounds hard, but it takes some getting used to, and also takes some learning from mistakes. In some instances, I ran out of battery on my hand held vac, and didn`t have access to electricity, so I adopted the I.A.O. way of thinking, and I brushed ALL of the dirt out of the vehicle using a straw brush and white bristle brush, and then created a "vacuum look" to the carpet by brushing up and down leaving vacuum marks. This of course took a whole lot longer, but at least their carpet was cleaned.

I do all of my services at office parks - Wash & Wax, Hand Wash, Light Detail, Full Detail, etc. I never been in a situation where I couldn`t perform a particular service.

To clean tires, I wash the entire vehicle first with my QEW solution, and with the same left over solution in the bucket, I take a seperate towel and brush and then clean the tires, wheels, wheel wells, etc.

Good Luck!:xyxthumbs

01-04-2004, 07:18 PM
ajbarnes, I`ve been wondering how you mobile detailers deal with mother nature......rain!!!!

You can`t use electric in the rain and you can`t polish/wax either. So is it just a wash, quick interior clean and then onto the next wash, or do you use a portable shelter so you can dry and then polish/wax??

I`m just curious that`s all :)

01-04-2004, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by tnoy66

ajbarnes, I`ve been wondering how you mobile detailers deal with mother nature......rain!!!!

You can`t use electric in the rain and you can`t polish/wax either. So is it just a wash, quick interior clean and then onto the next wash, or do you use a portable shelter so you can dry and then polish/wax??

I`m just curious that`s all :)

That`s the biggest downfall for us mobile detailer`s. Cold weather, rain, snow, etc.

Unfortunately, if it is bad weather, my business is closed for that day as far as mobile auto care is concerned. Other than that I go out and advertise, call up old customer`s, go to some meetings with corporate clients, play around on Autopia, etc. This winter is starting to look pretty bad, so I`m probably going to pick up a little part time job, and my wife is going to get a part time job also to make ends meet.

Trust me, up here in Philly, if it is raining, cold, etc., 95% are not calling to get there vehicle`s done. Unless you have been in business for a while and have some loyal customer`s, mobile detailing in northern states is very tough during winter months.

01-04-2004, 09:01 PM
aj- Sounds great, I appreciate you taking the time to explain your thinking. I think it will be great to just be able to offer the detail, I guess since this business is new to me I haven`t thought in the terms of using peoples facilities. I feel like I need to be self-contained which financially isn`t possible now due to limited client base. I am very lucky to live in an apartmet complex that has wash bays and the manger is cool with me running my business out of them. It is also a nice thing for people here to have a detailer on premise. Now I just need to figure how to hook, line and sinker all the business in my area. God knows I have passed out flyers and put unlimited cards on peoples cars but it could just be the time of year.

01-07-2004, 03:51 PM
I used QEW today for the first time and it was great. I mixed it properly in a gal jug with QD. I used the method of 1 bucket, apply with chenille mit, wipe with terrycloth towel and then an MF towel worked great on my car!!

I wonder when i come across a car with a lot of bugs and other contaminants what will be the best process for cleaning at that point? Any tips?

01-08-2004, 04:38 PM
When you wash the car with the qew and the bugs and comtaminates are not completely removed, you will have to use clay to really clean the paint if the customer is paying for that service.

01-08-2004, 10:04 PM
I am going mobile this year, and I have a pickup truck already. I will invest the 600 dollars or so in a generator, just to have it. I will ask the customer if I can use their outlet, most would if not all let me.

I just want to have it in case of office building work. The car maybe parked further from the building where the extension cord would have to run way to far.

Im not saying or making negative statements at any of you guys,but just an opinion here. I think that a proffessional detailer should have all the proper tools to do the job correctly and at a professional level. I think it is a little awkard at a office buidling not home, to run a long cord throughout the walkway to the vehicle, Just my opinion again i dont want to walk on anybodys feet here.

01-08-2004, 10:14 PM
I agree with you on this totally. I think it is possible to be completely mobile with a good cordless vacuum or a good inverter (although an inverter may only take you 2 hours). I have seen gas powered pressure washers but they are like 2500 psi which may be too much. With QEW it is easy to be mobile if you can figure out the vacuum part of it. I don`t think most mobile jobs will involve more than that. If a customer wants something that requires the PC and other complexities you would probably be able to do that at home.

Iam going for it already out of my Camry with a 5 gallon water jug, and a good cordless vac, QEW and the inverter.