View Full Version : Small detail, but....

09-12-2004, 02:46 PM
These are the little thjings that can make life so much easier.
The trunk area of all my cars have always had some type of rug protector. Some I made from old carpet pieces, one I bought, but the ones that seem to work quite well and are not expensive, come from Wal*Mart.
In their automotive section, they have small rolls of very thin, cheap carpet. It is ususally in enough colors that you can find a close match or go to a contrasting color. It is thin enough you can cut it with a good pair of scissors.
When you are through, it looks like this:

09-12-2004, 02:49 PM
That`s the trunk of my wife`s 2000 GTP with the Wal*Mart carpet cut to fit. Almost looks factory, doesn`t it?
If it gets messed up, it is easy to remove and clean. If it doesn`t clean up, $8 buys a new one. The one in the picture has been in there since the day the car was new.


09-12-2004, 02:50 PM
Cool. Thanx Rainmaker. It`s better than the car`s carpet getting stained/dirty.

09-12-2004, 03:03 PM
Thanks, Charles! The carpet looks great, but here`s a few more tips . . .

1 - I always carry a couple of full size (lawn & garden) trash bags in the trunk - they`ve come in handy many a time for hauling messy things, emergency rain ponchos, etc.

2 - I also have an cardboard box (printer paper size) in the trunk. Very handy for tossing small purchases in, so they don`t get lost in the trunk.

3 - I also carry a small bottle of S & W & a microfiber for those pesky bird bombs - if you get to them right away, they`re a relative breeze to clean up.


09-12-2004, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by norahcrv
Thanks, Charles! The carpet looks great, but here`s a few more tips . . .

1 - I always carry a couple of full size (lawn & garden) trash bags in the trunk - they`ve come in handy many a time for hauling messy things, emergency rain ponchos, etc.

2 - I also have an cardboard box (printer paper size) in the trunk. Very handy for tossing small purchases in, so they don`t get lost in the trunk.

3 - I also carry a small bottle of S & W & a microfiber for those pesky bird bombs - if you get to them right away, they`re a relative breeze to clean up.

Norah The bag at the front of the trunk has terry towels, shop rags, MF towels, and small spray bottles of S&W, UGE, and APC+ in it. But you are certainly right about getting to the messes right away.


09-12-2004, 03:25 PM
never thought of that i my self use a few bathroom towels.

Someone in my family is so anal about the interior of her car (a 2004 element) that she has the plastic trunk liner from honda ontop of the plastic floor then she has plastic floor mats on top of that so she does not mess the liner up. lol.

i guess to each his own.

09-12-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Vampyre
Someone in my family is so anal about the interior of her car (a 2004 element) that she has the plastic trunk liner from honda ontop of the plastic floor then she has plastic floor mats on top of that so she does not mess the liner up. lol.

i guess to each his own. My in-laws used to buy a new car, put those clear plastic seat covers on it, lay carpet samples on the floor, front and rear, drive the car and then sell it with a like new interior that they had never used.


09-12-2004, 03:43 PM
can really use seat covers will all the cars that have side airbags these days. i had 60k on my last car and the person i sold it 2 though i never drove it. so i gave him a few tips.

09-12-2004, 03:56 PM
I should have known you`d be there before me.

09-12-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by norahcrv
I should have known you`d be there before me.
Norah Norah, I have a big head start.

On the subject of keeping cleaning products in the vehicles. During the freezing weather I have a Planters peanuts plastic jar that is about 4" square and 5" tall with a large top opening. I keep the products in that jar when there is any chance the small bottles might freeze and break.


09-12-2004, 04:09 PM
Wow, that`s a great idea I wouldn`t have considered.
Of course, here in AZ, there`s more concern about them boiling over, rather than freezing, so I just keep them in ZipLoc bags.

I think I know the container - does your wife shop at Costco or Sam`s Club by chance?

09-12-2004, 05:10 PM
I use an old milkcrate and keep it in place with a bungi cord so it doesn`t slide.
I keep some QD, MF`s, terry`s, roll of P/T and and emergency tool kit and a gallon of 50/50 antifreeze