View Full Version : Winter Weather & Your Ride!

01-02-2004, 04:02 PM
Hi all and Happy New Year!

Well, we got some snow here in the Northwest and it got me thinking about winter weather and how Autopians prepare for it. I`m also curious to know how you keep up your cars during the winter months. What do you do, how do you do it, and why? Being new to detailing, I`d like to use this as a learning experience. I`m sure it changes depending on where you live but what can you tell me?



01-02-2004, 04:36 PM
Welcome to Autopia :wavey

During the winter, I try to wash the car as frequently as possible. Of course when it`s cold out, it`s not as enjoyable. My limit is 30 degrees.

Prior to winter, I did an overhaul and put a sealant on the car to help protect it from the salt and sand.

For starters, click on the Learn button up top and check out David`s articles. They are very well written and there is one for "Taking on Winter".

Good Luck !

01-02-2004, 08:37 PM
I threw some #20 on all of our cars right before winter came, and then got in application each of them again a couple days ago. I try to wash my vehicles about every two weeks because it`s hard to find time with school and work when the weather is warm enough. I`ve been out in the morning at 29 degrees once, but decided that heated water and playtex gloves only do so much when it`s that cold. Mid 30`s is fine though.


01-04-2004, 12:48 AM
>>During the winter, I try to wash the car as frequently as possible.

How often does that usually end up being? I read David`s article above and it was very enlightening but I wonder how many can maintain that rigorous system? I live in an apartment and it`s hard enough to keep my car clean in the summer but really difficult in the winter.

David mentioned using a synthetic wax in the winter. I`m a newbie so my question is, is this the same as a sealant? Do you use non-synthetic waxes in the summer? Are synthetics bad for the finish or something?

David also mentioned quick detailing sprays when it`s too cold to do the job properly. What are some good ones?

What about those who live in the REALLY cold parts of the country?

I can see it being easier to treat the interior in the winter: just crank up the heat, close the doors and turn on the music!:cool:


01-04-2004, 03:38 PM
During the summer, spring and fall, I`m usually able to wash my car once a week. Sometimes I`ll let it go for 1 and 1/2 or 2 weeks.

In the winter, I aim for every 2 weeks due to weather. If I get 2 nice weekends in a row, I`ll do it each week.

Sealants are known to be more durable. So most people will put a sealant on the car like Zaino, Klass or Meg`s #20 prior to the winter. Then try to wash the car when they can and the sealant will hopefully last throughout the winter.

Quick Detail sprays are personal preference. I like Zaino Z6 and Meguiar`s Final Inspection. I use Zaino on my car and those 2 QD sprays work well for me. Some people who use the Klass AIO and SG may use Sonax or Einman Fabrik`s Clear Pearl.

Some other products that are used during winter months are Poorboy`s spray and wipe and QEW (Quick and Easy Wash). QEW has multiple threads throughout the forum as of late. These are two products that allow you to wash/clean a car with out a hose.

Hope this helps a little.

01-04-2004, 05:53 PM
I just don`t live where the winters are harsh! ;)

No real extra prep down here in the Dallas area, but I do recommend a sealant for winter to my customers because occaisionally we do get rainy periods and one or two snow or ice days on average per year and sometimes I might only be able to wash their cars twice a month instead of every day. With a sealant, I have a little more peace of mind.