View Full Version : Opinions on durable/long lasting WAX

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12-30-2003, 10:06 PM
Hi guys once again thanks, this board has me thinking about detailing and how I can improve on this. Believe it or not its become addicting.

My question is this I am getting worried/stressed about the # of times I need to wax my car to protect it. I have a 04` Sti and well want to keep the paint and car as good as new for as long as I have it. I wanted to know if there is a long term wax that will allow me to not have to wax so often while offering a high gloss and protection? I am sure this is a general question but I would love to read your comments.

Currently I am thinking about picking up some "Klasse AOI" or "Pinnacle Souverian" products but am indecisive. Currently I am using GC, but when I come to this board Meguiars (which I thought was the good stuff) comes off as being junk which I am embrassed to say I use.

Please help and thanks so much for your replies to my previous posts this week.

12-30-2003, 10:17 PM
Klasse AIO is more of a cleaner and mild abrasive. It does not, IMHO, offer very good protection or have very good durability on its own (you`d need to use klasse SG after). Souvern is a pure carnuba wax and its durability is no better, if not worse, than AIO. Souvern is also quite expensive.

What you should be shooting for is a sealant. Sealants have much better durability than carnuba waxes. There are many on the market to choose from:

Klasse (SG), Zaino, Platinum, Blackfire, etc, etc.

I personally use Klasse AIO to clean and ready my paint for my sealant, which is klasse SG. SG offers 6 months of protection and has a very nice candy like shine.

Do a search on the above names and read what others have had to say. See which product best meets your expectations, then go from there.


12-30-2003, 10:19 PM
First off, welcome to autopia. Second, meguiars doesn`t suck, their gold class wax is just, well, "consumer level cleaner wax" that is overrated. Meguiars makes other great products like #20, #26, #83(make sure your reading the acronym page carefully), and #7, #81, and #82. As for you wax, I think if you want the longest lasting, pick up the klasse AIO and Klasse sealant glaze for the best protection. You also will want to look at billnorth`s method for applying klasse sg, as it makes it much much easier. Again, welcome and be sure to read a lot before buying or attempting to detail anything.

12-30-2003, 10:22 PM
:welcome , I think Klasse AIO +Klasse SG or Zaino are two great choices, but there are other great products , you will get a lot of suggestions:xyxthumbs

The two named above will last you about six months:wavey

12-30-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by BillNorth

Klasse AIO is more of a cleaner and mild abrasive. It does not, IMHO, offer very good protection or have very good durability on its own (you`d need to use klasse SG after). Souvern is a pure carnuba wax and its durability is no better, if not worse, than AIO.


I`m surprised at your answer. I thought AIO had pretty good durabilty and certainly MUCH better than Sourveran (or any other carnuba wax).

But, you certainly know more about Klasse products than me.

12-30-2003, 10:26 PM
FYI, I have used 2 coats of all in one on my moms accord the beginning of october, and it is still beading after 2 months. AIO does offer the acrylic protection, but most ppl want to top it off to make sure, which makes sg the best for topping.

12-30-2003, 10:35 PM
You guys ROCK...

I just did a SEARCH on Klasse AIO and well when reading about AIO it says it removes minor swirls. I noticed when just finishing waxing my car with GC that I have some minor scratches, perhaps from using a "Soft Terry Cloth" when I should have used MF (is this true?) in any case will the AIO fix this?

Thanks again. And I am sorry for posting so much believe me I am doing my best to search before asking.


12-30-2003, 10:36 PM
I should have been more clear in my post.

I haven`t found AIO to be that great at protecting on it`s own when compared to SG. AIO will get about two months on it`s own. SG will get anywhere from 6 to maybe 8, depending on the environment.

As for souvern, I`ve never heard of it lasting past one month (if that).

12-30-2003, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by oh-dawg

You guys ROCK...

I just did a SEARCH on Klasse AIO and well when reading about AIO it says it removes minor swirls. I noticed when just finishing waxing my car with GC that I have some minor scratches, perhaps from using a "Soft Terry Cloth" when I should have used MF (is this true?) in any case will the AIO fix this?

Thanks again. And I am sorry for posting so much believe me I am doing my best to search before asking.


AIO can remove minor swirls. In my experience it is good for removing the haze caused by more abrasive polishes. I don`t know if I would classify it as an SMR though.

As for towels, where are you purchasing your terry towels from?

It has nothing to do with all cotton being bad and all MF being good. It`s about quality. There many quality cotton and MF towels on the market that will not scratch your paint. There are also many poor quality cotton and MF cotton towels on the market that will scratch. It all depends on which ones you buy.


12-30-2003, 10:49 PM
4 layers of Klasse SG followed by a layer of Collinite #476s Super Doublecoat Auto Wax.

12-30-2003, 11:10 PM
As far as ease of use combined with durability, I`d go with Poorboy`s PwC and EX Sealant. Piece of cake to use and cars I used it on almost 3 months ago still bead like crazy and feel slick to the touch.

Car Polish`s Final Polish is a nice one step light cleaner/polymer that lasts at least 4 1/2 months based on my own experience.

12-30-2003, 11:33 PM
I use EX on occasion, as well as PUPP and the Klasse twins, however, I REALLY like the 1Z products. Used by hand or by PC, their polishes are in my opinion, top of the line.

Scott, looking at your results, I would love to see what your thoughts are. If you used the Paint Polish, the Metallic Polish/Wax and the 1Z Glanz Wax, I believe you would enjoy the results you got. They have a really strong polish, Ultra, but I doubt you would have much call for it, but then again, you might.

You should contact Michael at Einszett at see about getting some samples and posting your results. It would be an interesting read for me!


12-30-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by BillNorth

Klasse AIO is more of a cleaner and mild abrasive. It does not, IMHO, offer very good protection or have very good durability on its own (you`d need to use klasse SG after). Souvern is a pure carnuba wax and its durability is no better, if not worse, than AIO.

I have to agree with you there. I used AIO only on more than one test vehicle and I was very disappointed in its ability to show me that it was still there. If the only way to tell is by feel and appearance then I would put it on par with the average lifespan of a wax. Between 4 to 6 weeks.

If AIO is really a sealant then why doesn`t anyone talk about the cure time? Wouldn`t it need one to offer all this protection people say it has? I`m not trying to be argumentitive, but I just think that if it was a product in germany that could be used all by itself then the formula must have been changed for use over here. I just can`t see leaving that product on my car all by itself and being satisfied. If someone knows enough to use AIO then surely they know enough to use a real sealant to top it.

I also agree that Souveran is more fragile than, say... S100 or P21S. Its about a 4 week wax or so. If you are using Souveran then you probably want to be adding a new coat every 3 or 4 weeks at the longest. Its interesting that the best looking waxes seem to be the most fragile....

Probably the most durable wax I`ve used has to be Blitz. That is a good 6-8 week wax. Its not as good looking as S100/P21S or the Pinnacle waxes, but it does last.

12-31-2003, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by SamIam

Scott, looking at your results, I would love to see what your thoughts are. If you used the Paint Polish, the Metallic Polish/Wax and the 1Z Glanz Wax, I believe you would enjoy the results you got. They have a really strong polish, Ultra, but I doubt you would have much call for it, but then again, you might.

You should contact Michael at Einszett at see about getting some samples and posting your results. It would be an interesting read for me!


One of these days. Right now, I have so many products I am evaluating right now that I need to give them all some time to prove their durability.

Alex Creasey
12-31-2003, 05:10 AM
I`ve been using Collinite as a topper during the winter on my daily car. Got to say it isn`t as easy to apply or remove as P21S, EX or CMW but, if you want something that you won`t have to keep going back to for a while I think it`s definately one worth taking into consideration.

Cheers :).