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12-29-2003, 10:16 PM
I just don`t understand this! I just recently serviced a new customer. He has a 2001 Silver Cadillac. As I proceeded to detail the vehicle, I noticed several deep and light scratches around the hood and trunk of the car. Given that this was a full detail, I attempted to remove the scratches. Some came out, and of course the deeper one`s remained.

Once I was finished, I spoke with the customer about the scratches. He said he didn`t know where they came from, and then mentioned maybe it came from when he shoveled snow off his car..:scared

I couldn`t believe what I was hearing!! Why do people just not care.....AT ALL.....about their vehicle?:nixweiss Several problems that may come up dealing with the care of your vehicle can be handled with basic common sense....you don`t need in depth knowledge of auto care. I actually heard of a guy who used cooking oil on his paint because he thought it would give it a deeper shine!:eek: COME ON!!!!

I don`t know? Maybe this is my passion for detailing speaking? I just believe that car owners should put a little more care into their vehicle`s, especially if it is in good to excellent shape.

Phew...glad I got that off my chest!:)

12-29-2003, 10:51 PM
Look at it this way.......

If people cared about their cars the way you want them to, you`d be out of a job.

I`m glad you feel better.

12-29-2003, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by bretfraz

Look at it this way.......

If people cared about their cars the way you want them to, you`d be out of a job.

I`m glad you feel better.

I`m going to be out of a job dislocating my shoulder fixing and cleaning up the mess I sometimes come in contact with.:D I don`t mind caring for people`s cars and even teaching them how to care for it.....but a shovel to remove snow off your car????!!!!

12-29-2003, 11:04 PM
I am so glad I waxed my car b4 the snow, I have hit the scraper part of my snow brush on my bumper, and was able to buff out the scratch

12-29-2003, 11:35 PM
I once got a call from a new detailing customer who actually used an ice scraper to not only scrape snow and ice off the windows but also off the hood , top and trunk.

Needless to say, removing those scratches was a big job. When I was finally done, everything looked about 95% better than it did before I started.

I don`t think they will ever use an ice scraper on anything other than glass again. At least I hope they won`t.

12-29-2003, 11:47 PM
Although this isn`t as severe...

My father knows how much I love detailing and what I do for my car. Well, he and the rest of the family took the van and left for the weekend. He had been asking me to fully detail )exterior) his for some time now but I never had any time.

His car is a silver `03 Toyota Highlander with EVERY option. He has chips all over the hood and scratches all over (thank God his car isn`t black).

I proceded to do the whole car (Clay, AIO, SG). I didn`t have a PC or any real polishes yet.

It looked immaculate. When he got back he was really happy and admitted it look very good. When I told him he should take better care of it (washed 4 times in 6 months) he told me "it`s just a car. Just transportation."

He said he didn`t really care. He said he wouldn`t do anthing obviously to damage the car but was not nearly as worried as I am about mine. I don`t understand this thinking but hey, like the guy above said. Not every one is like us, in fact almost no one is.

12-30-2003, 03:34 AM
Just relax. :) While people like us cringe and shake our heads when we see someone mistreating their car, just remember that they`re probably good folks with their priorities elsewhere. We can`t go around shaking sticks at everyone, so all you can realistically do is just shrug and admire our own vehicles.

12-30-2003, 08:30 AM
True. The only problem is: those people who don`t care about their vehicle`s come to us detailer`s wanting to fix the problem they messed up out of carelessness, and then sometimes go back and do the same thing all over again!:( I don`t mind if people eat in their cars, or even run the car through automated car washes......but again......a shovel to remove snow off your car......cooking oil to enhance the shine!:nixweiss I`m talking about those people who really, really don`t care about their investment, and then expect detailer`s to fix it, and to top it all of....they complain when you can`t fix the problem completely! Some people can keep their houses immaculate, but treat their cars like toilets.:nixweiss

12-30-2003, 08:38 AM
You probably can`t change these people`s mindset so all you can do is continue to relieve them of their hard earned cash and put right what they wreck. I`ve seen plenty of photos taken by you pro guys of the state people leave their vehicles in which make me cringe but as several people have said, if they kept em immaculate you`d be out of a job!

I`m still trying to work out how to persuade my brother to vacuum his car at least monthly - on the one he`s about to trade in, you can pretty much write your name in the dust on the dash - like I said to him, it`s not exactly a hard task to wipe the interior plastics down with a damp MF and quickly vac the seats & carpet.

I know I can`t change what he does (or doesn`t) do so all I can do is pick up tips from my Autopian friends and pass them on.

Keep up the good work!

12-30-2003, 08:46 AM
Hey there Mirrorfinishman,

I live in Egg Harbor Township. I am taking my New Toyota MR2 Spyder back to the dealer (Turnersville) to have Aerocolours take care of some chips. What have you heard about this process? I spoke with the guy who will be doing the job and he said that red always comes out exceptionally well. I asked him about a clear coat topoff and he said that they don`t. He said that as long as you keep a sealant and wax on the surface everything should be ok. What do you think? BTW the guys who took my car the day I bought it two weeks ago looks like they used sandpaper to clean my car :rolleyes: Can these slight marks be fixed? tanks for your time

12-30-2003, 09:28 AM
My partner has a bran new 7 series BMW and last week I suggested he use some of my AIO on it.....the reply I got was, no, I am sure they treated it with something at the dealer....when i tried to enlighten him his eyes glazed over and I knew it was a losing battle.

Evene though it is not my car it pains me to see that nice pain turn to crap...I may have to hijack it and detail it the next time he leaves town

imported_Larry A
12-30-2003, 03:04 PM
Most people dont care.Most of my family dont care. Most of my friends think Im crazy reading detail sites on the computer, they think that I should get a life. I like detailing cars ,I get a great feeling after I clean up a car. I wish I could meet some of you guys and have something to talk too about detailing .

12-30-2003, 03:24 PM
lawrencea....... You took the words right out of my mouth

12-30-2003, 04:03 PM
Indeed, i hate detailing cars for my family, because ill work for 8 hours on them, then they wont wash it for 3 months while im at school.

imported_CBX Carl
12-30-2003, 04:14 PM
Agreed. Most people just don`t care.

We have a joke line for a filthy customers car when one of the mechanics heads out to bring it into the shop. I hand them a paper floor mat and a seat cover and say you better use them to keep your cloths clean.

Just inspected a $35K SUV , 2 years old and 32K miles. Front brakes pad are at the limit and will not make another year. Call the Customer and make a rec to replace them now, customer goes into a tirade that the truck is only 2 years old etc ...... polite end of discussion. I will see him when the rotors are scored and this behavior is the norm. Unless there is an absolute failure many customers will not repair it. They will run their cars to the ground both mechanically and cosmetically.