View Full Version : Question about buffers...

12-29-2003, 05:43 PM
I looked on the past posts and well have learned quite a bit. i am pretty much sold on buying a porter orbital buffer, however i am not really sure on how to use it.

do you guys typically use the buffer to put on the wax? or just take off (buff) the wax? my only purpose in buying a buffer would be to save me time in placing the wax on, taking off i don`t mind so much...

also if your recomendation is "using the buffer to put on wax" do you guys recommend liquid or paste. also what do you guys do to avoid all the splatter that comes with the circular motion as for the windows etc?

Thanks and once again your guidance has been great!

12-29-2003, 05:48 PM
Without question this is the definitive "how to" for the Porter Cable D/A polisher:


As for liquid vs. paste, liquids are designed for machine application while pastes are made for hand application. They can be interchanged of course, but that`s their basic composition. Splatter is not a real big problem with the D/A. If you`re splattering product all over the car, you`re using far too much product. Less is more. Splatter using a rotary polisher is a different issue but proper technique minimizes this problem.