View Full Version : what to do - car appears to be primed for paint job

12-28-2003, 04:24 PM
I just bought my THIRD car - this one`s for bad weather / salty roads, etc, it`s a 1991 Accord EX with 102,000 miles on it. it`s running great and even tho it`s replacing my 89 Merceds and 87 Jag as daily driving machine, my autopian side has had me detailing the car (can`t be in an unclean environment - even when there`s slush out my door).

The problem is that the front hood looks as tho someone sanded it in preparation for a paint job - even the wiper nozzles are sanded. There is also a rust sopt on the front.

What to do? Do I use a compund and try to buff it out? do I simply throw wax on it as is (got to proterct even this finish? Or do I just run this into the ground?

The rest of the car LOOKS great - save a few rust spots here and there. It`s the car to drive to Home Depot in. Based on the rougened hood, what do I do?

12-28-2003, 07:00 PM
Do you any pictures of the damage?

You may to have the hood painted.
