View Full Version : QEW in hot weather?

12-22-2003, 09:27 PM
I,ve used the search and found a lot of people using qew for winter applications and I was wanting to know if any body has used it in a hot area such as arizona?Washing a car here in the summer can be hard due to the heat drying the car to fast and leaving water spots.I thought qew might be a good solution to my problem.


12-22-2003, 09:43 PM
Welcome to Autopia David !:wavey

I use QEW 9 times out of 10 .It`s really the solution in Arizona.



12-22-2003, 09:45 PM
I`m in southern California. Now, it doesn`t get nearly as hot here in the summer as it does where you are, but we still easliy get in the 100`s during august and september.

I bought QEW for just that exact reason. In order for me to dry the car after a normal wash, I would have the run around the car with two waffle weave mf towels. If I was fast enough I would get tons of water marks. It also gets very windy where i`m at that has the same effect. Also I can take my time drying with QEW, so I dont have to worry about adding swirls or spider web marks while drying. I do have a few other car washs but since this past summer QEW is all I`ve been using. I also add an ounce of FD to the wash bucket. I`ll never go back to washing cars the old way again!

12-22-2003, 09:52 PM
Thats what I wanted to hear!I was going to order the 32oz bottle but I think I`ll get the gallon!

12-22-2003, 10:48 PM
I have been using QEW for a couple months and it`s great. I like washing this way much better. I am probly going to wash with QEW all year, IMO it is the better way to wash.

Classy Detail
12-22-2003, 11:06 PM
I`m new to this QEW. What are the advantages or disadvantages using this product compare the traditional way of car wash? And also what are the process of washing a car using QEW?

12-22-2003, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Classy Detail

I`m new to this QEW. What are the advantages or disadvantages using this product compare the traditional way of car wash? And also what are the process of washing a car using QEW?

There are probably 20+ QEW threads, do a search and you should find everything you want to know, including the creative ways people using it to wash their cars. Me? I follow the directions on the bottle and it`s worked fine for me the last 11 years or so.

12-23-2003, 04:02 AM
I live in Dallas and I`m from AZ so I know about alittle something about Hot weather.:D Anyways when you use QEW in Hot weather you have to work in smaller sections as it the water will evaporate quickly but thats not a problem just go back over with your mitt. If your washing a car thats been sitting in the sun you might wanna let it cool in the shade or spray it down to cool it off otherwise the QEW will almost dissapear as soon as you apply it. Still 10 times easier than traditional washes in AZ summer.

12-23-2003, 03:02 PM
I`ve used it during the summer here in New Orleans and it works well. I usually end up using more water to get the panel wet and cool it down some and then making sure I dry the area off quickly. Just work one panel at a time and you won`t have any problems.

12-23-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by SergC

I use QEW 9 times out of 10.

Me too doc. :)

Actually, I probably use it about 75% of the time.

Since our cars stay pretty clean most of the time, a full wash seems like too much work/mess/water, so a simple quick wash with QEW is more logical.

However, I do believe our cars will benefit from a full wash or a `flushing out` every once in a while as there are places QEW just cannot reach.

12-23-2003, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by madazskunk

I live in Dallas and I`m from AZ so I know about alittle something about Hot weather.:D

Same here, I guess that is why I laugh when the Dallas forecasters use the word `hot` when it is only going to be 102. They never used the word `hot` until it was at least 112 in Phoenix. I was outside all day during the summer in Phoenix growing up and I`m outside all day during the summer in Dallas. Heat doesn`t faze me in the least but I despise cold weather.

12-23-2003, 08:45 PM
Thanks guys!!Can`t wait to try it.