View Full Version : Rocommendations for best MF towels avalible in/to UK

Mr Concours
12-22-2003, 04:30 AM
Hi Guys,I am currently using Zymols MF towels which are pretty good but have noticed theres an awful lot of MF towels out there to choose from. Any recommendations?I am fairly happy with the Zymol, but I guess like most of us on the post I am always on the look out for something better!

I noticed on one of the US Corvette sites they seem to rave about Fieldcrest MF which I have never even heard of,has any one out there used them?

Can you get them from a supplier in the UK?or would I have to get them from the US.

12-22-2003, 05:47 AM
You might want to look at Pakshaks MF`s.

Pakshak.com (http://pakshak.com)

I think alot of forum members can attest to the quality. There are also several other vendors on the forum that sell great MF`s towels as well.

12-22-2003, 07:09 AM
As Pats300zx says contact Ranney at Pakshak.

Ships to UK with no probs, great towels too :)

12-22-2003, 09:30 AM
~One man’s opinion~

Asking for a favourite micro fibre towel (or Microfiber) is like asking, “What’s your favourite wax?â€

You’ll get twenty different answers, twenty correct answers for one reason or the other.

Like you I had been using Zymol Micro Wipes and then found a 100% cotton micro fibre Alpine DF towel.

My variation on the ‘CD Test’ for towels/cloths is to rub a copper cooking pot (softer than a CD) and the cotton cloth has never produced a scratch, unlike many nylon by-product Microfiber cloths that I’ve tried (which is by no means all of them)

You might try ‘product reviews’ and see how members of this forum have rated cloths/towels

Experience unshared; is knowledge wastedâ€/

~ justadumbarchitect * so i question everything *

12-22-2003, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by Mr Concours

...I noticed on one of the US Corvette sites they seem to rave about Fieldcrest MF which I have never even heard of,has any one out there used them?...

No such animal ever existed, Canon (which made Fieldcrest) never used microfiber sized yarns either natural or man made. In any case, they are out of business unfortunately.

12-22-2003, 07:31 PM
First and foremost you should support this forum and make a purchase from The Perfect Shine (Autopia Store) http://www.autopia-carcare.com/towels---chamois.html. I`ve tried the Concours, Detailing and Drying towels and they are all great. I`m finding that I use the waffle-weave towels more and more.

For quality towels you can`t go wrong with any of the following:

www.dftowel.com - natural fiber yarns



Some I want to try but haven`t yet:

www.vaporcleanproducts.com - have a couple of sample packs with a variety of towels.

12-29-2003, 08:37 AM
- What they all said.

I have Pakshak & some AG towels and both are superb. Avoid the Megs Ultimate Wipe - Â10 a go and not as good as the Pakshak & AG.

At present, you`ll have to import any US towels but this may change during 2004 thanks to Alex Creasey

12-29-2003, 06:04 PM
Now you tell me....I just (2 clicks ago) ordered a Meguiars MicroFibre Drying Towel for Â14.99 in the UK!

Originally posted by tnoy66

As Pats300zx says contact Ranney at Pakshak.

Ships to UK with no probs, great towels too :)

12-29-2003, 06:12 PM

02-17-2009, 08:53 PM
I know I`m kinda late for this one, but did anybody come out with a best in show?

02-17-2009, 08:54 PM
This one steam cleaner website (http://www.vapor-systems.com) says there`s not really any difference between microfiber and non-microfiber.