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Anthony O.
12-21-2003, 03:42 PM
I was just wanting to know what many of my fellow pros and Autopians are doing for the holidays. I personally am only working Monday and Tuesday and then taking Christmas Eve and Christmas day off.

We have a Christmas Eve get together at my moms house where my dad always drinks way too much and ends up sooner or later dressing up like Santa:nixweiss My sister and nephew bring their computers over and I bring my two computers and I then network them all and we play games like Ghost Recon, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Unreal Tournament. We then watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation (a classic which was overlooked by the Academy of Motion Pictures:confused: ) and then have eats.

Christmas day my family and I wake up, have coffee and hot chocolate for the kids, pray for our family, both near and far, for our country and then we open our gifts. Get dressed and head back over to my moms for dinner and more GAMES!!:bounce

So lets hear from others, what are your holiday traditions? Or perhaps you are starting new ones with a new family and/or friends, please share.

Well, happy Holidays to you all, God Bless.


12-21-2003, 04:06 PM
stay home and detail cars for x`mas....... it such addict

12-21-2003, 04:18 PM
My kids come over my house on Christmas Day at noon and we open our gifts and have lunch. Time with your families is what Christmas is about. Merry Christmas all!

12-21-2003, 04:31 PM
Not working!

Anthony O.
12-21-2003, 04:58 PM
Yeah, I am looking forward to not working....turning off my mobile phone and leaving it at home.


Yes, it is not what is under the Christmas tree but rather who you find around it, in spirit and in the flesh.

Anyone have any humorous horror stories about Christmas? You know like, the dog pissing on the tree and presents, Christmas dinner being ruined?

I have one. When my wife and I were married only like a year we had her parents over for Christmas morning to unwrap gifts and my wifes little boy from her first marriage was passing out gifts and before I could catch him he gave my wife, his mom, a box that should of been opened in "private" as it was a very naughty "crotchless" lingerie. Suddenly the room went silent and her parents just looked at me with.....well they were less than impressed. I still cringe when I think of that fine moment.


12-21-2003, 05:01 PM
All my immediate family will be at my house for X-mas. I`ll be sparkin` up Christmas dinner, among other things. The X-Box is hooked up with NASCAR Thunder and Rallisport Challenge. It should be an interesting holiday.

12-21-2003, 06:34 PM
Relaxing!! It`s been a rough year with my first year in business....but I`m taking the punches and keep on ticking....or should I say detailing.;) Anyway, I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday!!!!!:xyxthumbs

12-21-2003, 07:54 PM
Christmas eve will be spent photo opping the sunset, its a ritual I do here in So. Cal. I finally got another 35mm to replace the Pentax SLR my daughter played with in the dirt about 7 yrs ago. In-laws and sis inlaw, future bro in law, sister, neice will be coming over to our tiny condo to have a little get together. Then over to the in-laws on Christmas day for the annual Italian mayhem/feast/party/mass indulgence spectical. I have a work friend coming over, the wifey along with my kiddies and sis inlaw and her kids, may go see "Cheaper by the dozen." Then Friday or Saturday, we going to take off in the 25` trailer and spend a few days away from the So Cal madness !!! AAAwwhhhoooo !!!!!

Merry Christmas, Autopian Style........

12-21-2003, 08:00 PM
Family and Friends...

Only day I am not traveling and will be able to relax is Sunday :(

Then back to work !!!!!!

12-21-2003, 10:44 PM
I am working on Christmas Eve morning-have a BMW 750Li to detail and the owner tips well. ;) I should be done by 1 PM though.

12-21-2003, 10:59 PM
Xmas eve day, work til noon. Then off 2 days. Xmas eve at sis-in law, church Xmas eve, then dinner at our house Xmas day; prime rib is our tradition.

Fri my bro and his wife are coming in from out of town. My Dad will be in on Saturday.


Anthony O.
12-21-2003, 11:41 PM
We just broke tradition! I just got back from my moms house where I was making my famous cheesecakes for several customers to give as gifts and we decided to watch Christmas Vacation tonight and eat pizza!

Great to see and read the responses from you all, keep em coming. I am getting a cold so I may have to cancel my work tomorrow and end up working Christmas Eve afterall:(

But that`s ok, I`ll take Friday off.:xyxthumbs


12-22-2003, 12:21 AM
My brother is coming in tomorrow from 3 hours west of me .. staying till the 23rd then we are going 3 hours to the east to my sisters for Christmas. Coming home the 27th.. First Christmas with all of us together in 7 years .. looking forward to it. I wish it was summer .. Bro has a single stage S-10 I would love to use the PC on. We always did it by hand.

Merry Christmas to you all and have a safe and happy one .. And even tho I`m not an American I think of the troops serving in the Middle East... Please say a prayer for them.


12-22-2003, 12:42 AM
I am working my day tours of duty at the firehouse on December 24th and 25th.... someone has to do it, and this year it`s my groups` turn.

Hopefully, the citizens will behave themselves, be fire safe, not get sick, etc.

12-22-2003, 07:18 AM
Working Xmas morning. Illness does not take a holiday.:(

Happy Holidays everyone!!!! :bounce