View Full Version : Do multiple layers of SG make a visual difference?

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12-21-2003, 09:09 AM
I made these two posts in another thread, where they were really a bit off topic and somewhat lost. Basically I`m getting such good results with the first use of SG, I never see an improvement. Here`s what I posted:


1) So far in testing multiple layers or coats of SG on a black BMW, I can`t tell any differnce at all, they all look as great as the first coat. I do notice that after a week, if I add a layer it looks a little better than the "old" section. However if I AIO and put down a new first layer on that old section there`s no difference all.

Am I the only one experiencing this? It seems to me additional layers are a waste of time. I`ve tried body panels waiting 24 hours, other body panels with no cure time etc...

There`s no difference that I can tell, and that`s with my glasses on. I use the wipe-on wipe-off technique as documented, I mean it isn`t very tough to deal with...

Is it just me?


When I`ve done a panel by panel test I have my control panel, which I redo the AIO and then use SG, this is the one layer part of the test. The other panel I don`t reuse AIO between layers. Guess what, there`s no difference!

Has anyone else tested panels to confirm there is a visable improvement? If so, was the improvement over a panel done a week or so in advance maybe loosing a bit of shine?

The prep I did was Poorboys SSR1 with a orbital (not a PC though). I tried it on multiple body panels so there is a clean break between sections, plus I did 1/2 the trunk and 1/2 the hood as a comparison. No difference.

I`m quickly coming to the conclusion the one layer is all I need.

I did similar tests with multiple applications of AIO, didn`t see any difference there either.

I`m planning to continue testing body panels, some with P21S topping over SG, some with AIO topped with P21S and see how that works.

If anyone has results from testing, I`d like to hear how it turned out.


2) I`m looking to find out if anyone else has done similar tests, and what their results were. Other comments are more than welcome too. If I`m approaching this comparison in a defective way, please let me know. My real goal is to find how I can get the best results, with the least amount of layering, waiting, and maximizing use of my time. Hence loving the wipe-on wipe-off method.


12-21-2003, 11:52 AM
prgallo - Different cars are different, you could go nuts trying to figure out why something that works on another car/for another person doesn`t work for you!

When I added additional layers of SG to my silver vehicles, I *DID* notice a difference, but that doesn`t mean the same thing would happen with your black car.

I see you want to AVOID layering while maximizing the use of your time...hmm, those may be, IMO, mutually exclusive to some extent. *I* find that being able to just wash the car when it needs it, without having to apply ANYTHING, gives *ME* the most flexibility. I don`t like having to do a "big job" unless I have the time and inclination. So *I* build up many layers of SG when it`s convenient, that way I can just wash for MONTHS on end if that`s all I have time for. I`ve gone nearly a year between major details, with the vehicle in question looking great the whole time.

My $0.02 on your situation: adding a few extra layers of SG WILL (IMOpinion/experience) add some additional protection, so I would put on more than one even if you don`t SEE a difference. After a few layers, I can always FEEL the difference, it`s like the car is coated with a thin layer of plastic.

Applying additional layers of SG will keep up with the inevitable degradation (of the SG) caused by time, washes, and everything else. Staying AHEAD of the wear-and-tear will extend the time between major details. That`s why I no longer top my SG with carnauba- I like to be able to add more SG whenever I think it`s needed.

With multiple coats of SG I can spot-clay with almost every wash without it stripping enough SG to require reapplication.

I would NOT use AIO between layers as it will strip the previous layer of SG- counterproductive, as far as building up layers of SG, and a waste of time.

12-21-2003, 12:04 PM
When I added additional layers of SG to my silver vehicles, I *DID* notice a difference, but that doesn`t mean the same thing would happen with your black car.

I`m with Accumulator on this one. I have used multiple coats of SG on my Toyota 4Runner (Millenium Silver) and my red F150 (then topped with S100).

There is a def increase in shine with multiple coats of SG on both of these colors. I had up to 5x SG on my F150 and then stopped. I did not see any increased shine etc when I got over 4 coats. I kinda figured it was diminishing returns.

12-21-2003, 12:06 PM
I`ve noticed that multiple layers of SG on my truck does make a difference. I too like to put multiple layers on my vehicle and then only have to wash the vehicle for awhile without having to worry about applying a fresh coat of wax as the old one wears off. Though recently I have been topping my coats of SG with P21S.

12-21-2003, 12:24 PM
I definitely see a difference with multiple layers. More than shine,I see a big difference in hiding blemishes. My metalic silver truck has several tiny pits in the front valance.(at 150, even a bug will leave a chip) Those tiny pits seem to disappear with a few coats of SG. You can feel them but they are no longer appearant.

12-21-2003, 12:28 PM
I have also noticed a difference with multiple layers of SG on all of my cars. Especailly the blue one. 3 layers of SG makes the car look as though it is coated in glass. It really is incredible.

If you don`t notice a diff, then that`s ok. Stick with one layer.

If I may offer a tip. Try waiting 1 week between coats of SG as opposed to 24 hours. 24 hours is the minimum cure time needed for polymers. In many cases a polymer will require 1 week to cure fully. This is the rule I adhere to myself. I always apply my layers spaced 1 week apart after my weekly wash.

12-21-2003, 08:04 PM
Thanks for the great feedback. I`m planning to do some work on both cars over the New Year break so weather permitting I`ll try a few more things. At least I wasn`t missing something completly obvious. So far no matter what I`ve done the SG looks stunning.

I do have some P21S that I plan to try out too, as a topper, just to see if there`s a difference.

I have some PB QD+ to for the carnuaba and some PB Spray & Wash plus Platinum UGE that should work fine on the SG. I think long term when QDing SG w/o a topper I`ll try some SONUS too, when supplies run low.

Any thoughts on SONUS vs others?

12-21-2003, 08:15 PM
as for me, i did not notice any different. j/p

cuz i didn`t put any of them on, but i wanted to ask if its okay to use mothers pre wax clearner to strip old wax that was on the car. i bought the klesse sealant with out AIO. but i happen to hear someone on the board saying mothers pre wax can, i`m not too sure so i really like to make sure. thanks~

12-21-2003, 08:35 PM
Im pretty sure there is nothing in the mothers cleaner that would hinder the bonding of the SG.

12-22-2003, 01:00 PM
I too have found Klasse SG to be one of the best "layering" products in the market. Higher level of gloss, more depth, & yes...more hiding of surface imperfections. I currently have about 5 layers of KSG on my wife`s black BMW....after the first coat, the shine was acceptable, but not impressive. After the 5th coat, the shine is VERY impressive.

Sure, this is totally contrary to what some big manufacturer of waxes claims, but as TOWGT would say, my post is just one man`s opinion. ;)

12-22-2003, 02:05 PM
~One man’s opinion~

I’ve found three layers of SG to be optimum (claims of 20+ coats I put down to hype)

With most polymers I found and the manufactures (at least the ones that will answer questions) state that the longer you leave them to cure the better. As BillNorth states –one week, It is also the mfg recommended time (and they way I’ve applied Autoglym for 30+ years).

~Hope this helps~

Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted…/

~ justadumbarchitect * so i question everything *

12-22-2003, 02:35 PM
Yes layers make a visible difference, but I can see how the difference would be less noticeable on a black car.

You should not be using AIO in between SG layers...people don`t even know what these products do before using them!! I like to actually understand what the product is before I put it on my car...but that`s just me I guess because everyone else just slaps them on without reading the directions or understanding what the product is for.

As far as waiting time and other application questions, read the directions. You must wait at least 24 hours between layers!

Try AIO then SG. Wait a week. Then wash and apply SG. Then wait a week. Then wash and apply SG....i.e. apply the product as stated in the directions and innumerable times on here. If you don`t see a difference then it`s probably just the color car you have. I ahve definitely seen a significant difference between the first, second, and third layers of SG...after that there really isn`t much change.

I still think multiple layers would be valuable for protection value though...and since SG is relatively easy to apply...why not.

EDIT: Sonus has been good. It`s no different than any other QD except that it`s made for use with sealants like Klasse. I do not use the quick application method (I wait about an hour to buff) and use some Sonus to help avoid Klasse haze. It smells good too...so what the hell.

12-22-2003, 04:31 PM
Thanks for the feedback folks.

I am one that does understand what the products do, so the last comment was off base.

What wasn`t clear in my posts is that as the controlled part of my test I`ve redone AIO & SG, that`s my one layer. Otherwise is SG on SG.

12-22-2003, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by prgallo

Thanks for the feedback folks.

I am one that does understand what the products do, so the last comment was off base.

What wasn`t clear in my posts is that as the controlled part of my test I`ve redone AIO & SG, that`s my one layer. Otherwise is SG on SG.

I see what you`re trying to do. Try waiting 1 week between coats and apply 3 coats, then get back to us and let us know the results. I`d be interested to see if your opinion changes.


12-23-2003, 07:09 AM
Thanks Bill. I`ve learned alot about what really makes a difference on my cars, and it was a bit of a suprise. My next test will be one layer at a time with a week cure time. Although I won`t be able to get started until New Year weekend.

Also doing some comparison testing with the P21S, man is that easy to use!