View Full Version : after klasse SG, then souveran?

12-20-2003, 04:52 AM
I understand that between adding layers of the klasse SG, to let the SG cure for at least 24 hours.

Do I still need to let the SG cure before topping it off with pinnacle`s souveran wax? Can I put a layer of SG and then follow it immediately with some wax?

Also, when applying the klasse, it says that one ounce can be used for the whole car? Does this mean that I shouldn`t have to apply more SG to my applicator more than once?

12-20-2003, 10:15 AM
Well, I would say to wait for the SG to cure, though I don`t think you need to. Its all your preference. SG will look better after curing for a while.

As for the application. Basically its not saying that you should only put SG on the applicator once, but that after a few times that the applicator will become saturated with the SG and you can go farther with less product. You must apply SG very thin in the first place, so when the applicator is saturated, it works quite well.

12-20-2003, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by jabroni

I understand that between adding layers of the klasse SG, to let the SG cure for at least 24 hours.

Do I still need to let the SG cure before topping it off with pinnacle`s souveran wax? Can I put a layer of SG and then follow it immediately with some wax?

Also, when applying the klasse, it says that one ounce can be used for the whole car? Does this mean that I shouldn`t have to apply more SG to my applicator more than once?

Yes, let it cure beofre applying souvern. Wait 24 hours.

The drops of SG you out on your pad will be very small. Don`t put the whole ounce onto your pad at once. When I said drops before, I meant very small. The SG will be very hard to see on your paint when applying because the layers are so thin. This is good. SG is better when applied thinly.

12-20-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Magellan498

Well, I would say to wait for the SG to cure, though I don`t think you need to. Its all your preference. SG will look better after curing for a while.

As for the application. Basically its not saying that you should only put SG on the applicator once, but that after a few times that the applicator will become saturated with the SG and you can go farther with less product. You must apply SG very thin in the first place, so when the applicator is saturated, it works quite well.

This was what I found out when I was applying the AIO. The first couple of times there was a bit more on the pad but as you progress through the vehicle you`re using less and less because your pad is saturated. One thing that I had to do was keep turming the pad around so that every couple of panels I`m using a fresh side of the pad. The reason I was doing this was there were some old wax that was being removed and it was discoloring the pad. I haven`t been able to apply the PS on it because I allowed it to cure overnight and of course the weahter didn`t cooperate the following day. I will say this though, the shine was even better the following day after it had some time to cure.

12-20-2003, 02:48 PM

If I read your post correctly it sounds like you are applying SG over a wax or a dirty surface. SG will not bond to a wax. If your applicator is getting dirty than you should have used AIO first.

12-20-2003, 05:20 PM
You could always lay down a couple of layers of PUPP over the SG.... See what I did in "brag"

12-21-2003, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by stevet


If I read your post correctly it sounds like you are applying SG over a wax or a dirty surface. SG will not bond to a wax. If your applicator is getting dirty than you should have used AIO first.

SORRY, I meant to say "when I was appliying AIO" not PS.