View Full Version : Removing swirls without clear coat

12-19-2003, 02:40 PM
I have a red `95 Miata, which didn`t come with a clear cloat from the factory. They didn`t start clear coating the red colored Miatas until `99. My question is whether or not I can "safely" remove swirls using a Porter 7424 or equivilant. I`ve tried quite a few "apply this and your swirls will disappear!" products with marginal results. Is it safe to remove some paint when I don`t have a cleacoat or is that a no-no? The directions on the site say that you should never try to remove swirls that go past the clear coat...



12-19-2003, 03:32 PM
:welcome to Autopia

Yes, the tools and techniques used to remove swirls from clearcoated paint are exactly the same as noncoated paint. Don`t forget that clearcoat is nothing more than regular paint minus the pigment. So in the end everything is pretty much the same. Besides, the chances of a D/A polisher cutting thru the clearcoat is almost nil so it should not be a major concern for your paint. Go ahead and polish to your heart`s content. :up