View Full Version : For those hard to reach places?

12-18-2003, 12:15 AM
For those areas that you aren`t able to get to with the PC, what approach should be taken? I just used the Menzerna twins on my car with outstanding results, however the unreachable areas still suffer from CC swirls or light scratches. I attempted to do some areas by hand, but made no such progress.

Any thoughts on this?

12-18-2003, 10:36 AM
mvaughan- Sometimes you`ll find that you CAN get the PC in there by using different pads. I often use a BIGGER pad and force/deform it into previously inaccessible spots.

When you just MUST do it by hand, I`ll often use a different, more aggressive product to start with, to, for example, begin leveling around a tough scratch. Removing scratches from many clearcoats is VERY hard to do by hand! Since you won`t be going over the area with a few zillion orbits-per-minute like the PC does, you have to compensate by using more aggressive products and/or application methods (or else take many hours to do each area, and that might not work anyhow). Then proceed to less aggressive products and gentler applications.

I use pieces of foam applicator or MF, often with something like a wooden stick (whittled down old wooden clothespins work great) behind it for extra oomph. In VERY tight areas, I`ll use "commercial swabs" like those from Griot`s. It can take a LONG time, and MANY swabs, but I can usually get the job done.

Note that it`s not always necessary (or possible) to get EVERY obscure area as good as, say, the middle of the car`s hood. You just don`t want a glaring difference.