View Full Version : Removin swirls...

12-12-2003, 11:23 AM
hey guys, i am a loyal user of meguiars products, and stick by them, mainly cos they are the only ``professional`` detailin products available

What would be the best and safest products to use for removin swirls? PLease note i don`t use a buffer...i use foam applicators...

any help?


12-12-2003, 11:41 AM
I don`t think any abrasive product would be effective by hand using a foam applicator.

Scottwax, however, uses DACP by hand with terry towels with great effect. Use the search function to read about his success using this method.

12-12-2003, 11:54 AM

Get a PC mate! Just taken the plunge after months of trying to remove/reduce swirls by hand using #9 & DACP without success (although small improvement overall)

12-12-2003, 12:19 PM
hehe i know i was thinking about gettin the Meguiars buffer, or a PC....but i dunno, i kinda feel more personal when doin it by hand....and i dunno i get scared of mess and potential holagrams burnnin of paint when using the PC.....does it really make a difference? i usually detail 2 cars in a weekend and wash and wax another one over a weekend for fun...

how would you recommend removin swirls without a buffer? like ScratchX? or somethin

12-12-2003, 12:37 PM
~One man’s opinion~

I’m not a professional detailer and probably average 2-3 cars a week. I brought a PC and don’t know why it took me so long to get one, excellent results, worlds apart from doing it by hand.

See Flex /pc post or perhaps you could co-ordinate a ‘bulk’ buy with Andy

Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted…/

~ justadumbarchitect ~so I question everything ~

12-12-2003, 12:41 PM
will look into it...

till then, keep the posts comin about the swirl removin

12-12-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by TOGWT

I’m not a professional detailer and probably average 2-3 cars a week. I brought a PC and don’t know why it took me so long to get one, excellent results, worlds apart from doing it by hand.

Holy Smoke, you`ve been detailing cars since the 50`s all by hand up until recently?? Now that deserves a :bow

luke667, there`s no need to worry about buffer swirls or burning your paint when using a machine that polishes via a random orbital motion (such as the PC 7242/7336). I`ve become so addicted to the machine that I use it to even apply paste waxes.....and I`ve become pretty proficient at getting all nooks and crannies of the car. I even use the PC to remove wax/sealant.

12-12-2003, 01:22 PM
hmm, if/when i buy one, i`d go down to the local bodyshop and take an old bonnet or body part of them to learn techniques and stuff hehe

12-12-2003, 02:39 PM
Trust us, its not like a rotary polisher. The only way you`re going to hurt the car with a PC is by savagely beating the hood with it. You need heat to burn the paint, and the PC doesn`t generate enough. Hologram marks and such come from improper rotary polishing.

12-12-2003, 04:03 PM
I second what everyone else has said here. It`s d@mn near impossible to harm your finish with a PC just short of using a sand paper pad.

It`s a level up, don`t be afraid of it. PC is your friend... :D :D

12-12-2003, 04:22 PM

I would recommend the PC, I tried using polishes by hand to remove swirls and was unsucessful by hand.