View Full Version : Odd problem...

09-10-2004, 07:58 PM
I am not sure how to best explain this but here goes...
My vinyl dash is black with midnight blue accents. My glove box which is typical lightly textured plastic (I think) is also midnight blue. I noticed today that it has a few areas on it that has a distinct reddish/pink color to it. Almost as if the blue were fading or wearing off or something. The other odd thing about it is that the reddish area seems to be well demarcated and almost has a linear border on it in places (especially near the top). It is especially noticeable when light hits it from the side.

It is not really in an area that would be rubbed by passengers legs or anything and the car (mitsubishi) is about 1 year old so I dont understand how anything could fade already (and why on the glovebox and not anywhere else?) No chemicals or food have been spilled there either (or anywhere in the interior for that matter).

I tried cleaning it with PB natural look (also scrubbed with mild brush to no avail), meguiars dash cleaners/protectants , and even broke out the Orange blast, but nothing helped. Didn`t even alter it one bit.

Does anybody have any insight or ideas on this? Maybe it is something common that I have never seen before, but if anyone has any thoughts, remedies, ideas, or help I would be very appreciative...help!

Thanks so much!

09-10-2004, 08:34 PM
With a 1 year old car, it sounds like a warranty item to me. I would take it to the dealer and see if they won`t replace the glovebox door assembly.


09-10-2004, 10:12 PM
I dunno, could it maybe be adhesive soaking through? Is there anything on the other side of it, maybe that is attached with glue or something that could make the paint/color come off in those areas? Charles is right though, get it replaced at the dealer, it will be under warranty.

09-10-2004, 10:40 PM
yeah that is a good thought. It has a plastic type on inside to it that may be glued in somehow, I might try to snap a picture of it, because it is so odd to me, but thatn again I am not sure how it would show up in a pic. I will call them about the warranty (after all it is in between my bumpers as their warranty says :) )

09-10-2004, 10:48 PM
Definitely a warranty issue, IMHO!!