View Full Version : just got my PC from coastal tools, got some Q`s

12-08-2003, 02:35 PM
just recieved my B-day present from my dad, a brand spankin-new 7424 + bonus kit. got a few questions:

1. I noticed when changing the counterweight from the 5 to the 6 that there is a small piece of rubber on the PC that fits in a grove on the 5 in weight. seeing no way of removing the rubber, i just tightened down the 6 in wieght. is this right?

2. is the li`l washer that comes with the PC a spacer for when you put on a plate?

3. gonna get some pads from CMA, but unsure as to how many of each. gonna use DACP, #9, #7, and #26, so i was thinking 2 yellows, a white and a grey? sound right?

any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. :)

12-08-2003, 02:44 PM
Great question. I just got the ultimate detailing machine from CMA 2 weeks ago and I was also wondering about that bolt. My velcro backing plate just kinda screws in easy so I`m wondering if I even need the bolt for just polishing? Sorry I`m not much help, as I have the same questions as you, but everyone will chime in shortly. Good luck!!!:bounce

12-08-2003, 02:59 PM
1- I am not sure what you are talking about

2- Yes, it goes right on the stud attached to the backing plate

3- I would get two of each. The pads are 6/$45 at cma

12-08-2003, 03:14 PM
This should help with 1 and 2


As for 3 :nixweiss for sure, but 2 of each sounds right from what I`ve read on here :)

12-08-2003, 03:40 PM
OKStanger - Buy the DAP-KIT from CMA. If you have really heavy swirling to remove, get one of their "orange" pads as well

12-08-2003, 03:41 PM
thanks for the link tnoy66, that thread answered 1 and 2 for me!

havent seen the DAP kit, i`ll check it out.

12-08-2003, 06:48 PM
hmm, i remember seeing the pads at CMA at a special price for 6 of em, but i guess that was a temporary special. dont see it anymore... :(

12-08-2003, 08:42 PM
My mistake, that deal is at www.topoftheline.com http://www.topoftheline.com/7durvelpad.html