View Full Version : Website feedback?

09-09-2004, 07:41 PM
I have been told that the small group of pictures on the Products Article on OCDetails.com (http://www.ocdetails.com/html/products.html) isn`t working. When you click one of the pictures it should be taking you to another page where it enlarges it a bit. People here at work are telling me that it doesn`t work. I credit it to the fact that they are idiots. I haven`t been getting any emails saying that it doesn`t work, but I was wondering if you guys could check it and tell me if it is working. There is also one on the Events page that they say isn`t working. That doesn`t make sense to me. I`m still in the progress of finishing up the Products page. I should have that done this weekend. I thought it would be done last weekend, but I ended up working on the Events page and my personal family page. Man it is a lot of work to do this stuff. :lol I figure that as long as it is helpful, then it is all worth it. Feedback is appreciated if you get a chance to review it.

09-09-2004, 08:20 PM
The following products did not have links.

Prestone Car Wash
The Absorber
Klasse AIO

All the rest of your links worked...Nice Job :bigups

09-09-2004, 08:25 PM
Jaybs95 is right. The products he named didn`t have links.

The Chee
09-09-2004, 09:57 PM
Links work for me on my opera browser :rockin

09-09-2004, 10:51 PM
The prestone and absorber are intentionally linkless. I couldn`t find any stores that carried them. I`m sure I could find one for the absorber if I tried hard enough, but I wasn`t finding anything. I wasn`t even finding anything by way of a home page for them. I could have sworn they used to have one...

I`m actually thinking about having different vendors sponsor articles in the site if they wanted to. One of my jobs this weekend is going to be to get a banner on the Detailing Guide page with PAC`s sponsor banner up. I didn`t know if I would be able to find anyone else who would like to associate their name with something I wrote, but it is always worth a shot. If I can find a sponsor, then I`ll just link as many products as I can back to them. Right now I kind of have them going all over the place. I intend to get links on AIO and WG, but I came up with the idea kind of in the middle of putting links on all the products and I stopped doing it. I figure I`ll see how the sponsor thing plays out and then go from there. I`m not going to charge anything for sponsorship or anything like that. I just figure that every good University needs sponsors. ;) Anyway, that is an idea to be put into motion down the road I guess. I`ve got a couple other articles that are in other stages of writing that I think some companies would like the traffic from. I still intend to kind of make this site a sort of hub for detailing. The OCD U Alumni page needs to be finished still and I want to get some more detailers on there. Since I changed formats on the site I think I have sort of neglected them. They are on the list right after I finish the products article. Only a couple catagories left. ;)

Thanks for the feedback on the pictures. I`ll just tell the guys at work to stop smoking crack and get back to work. :lol :bigups

09-09-2004, 11:45 PM

This site gets better and better each and everytime I look at it. Kudos to you for taking the time to build such a nice site (and for letting me a part of it)!

Take care my friend~~

09-10-2004, 07:57 AM
The links are working for me. I`m using Slimbrowser. Your website is looking good and very informative also!

The Fuzz
09-10-2004, 01:45 PM
Hey.... How come you haven`t profiled Mullet Wax on there yet? :boohoo If you want traffic from the ladies, then you are going to have to mention my name in there somewhere. :naughty

09-10-2004, 06:12 PM
I`m not nearly smooth enough to have Mullet Wax. Besides, my wife would kill me if I became smooth with ladies other than her. (Yeah, I`m whipped. Whipped and happy. :D )

Thanks for the feedback on a couple typos. I`ve got the Meguiar`s Gold Class wash part fixed. :bigups