View Full Version : SSR3, 2, 1 and S100 w/pics

12-01-2003, 12:18 PM
Here are some pics and after using Poorboy`s SSR`s.

It`s a neglected 95 or 96 Plymouth Neon - Washed, clayed then I used SSR 3 for the heavily scratches and swirls areas and SSR 2 on the rest. I then followed it with SSR 1 and S100 finished with Final Detail.

I applied all 3 SSR`s in the sun using a PC with no problem, breaking down easy and SSR 1 & 2 left a nice gloss to the paint with no hazing.

I like all 3 of them, they worked perfectly in the sun but for a finishing polish (with no fillers or oils) I prefer Mezerna FP, it tends to breakdown faster. Overall Steve has some great products available that all work exceptionally well, everyone I`ve tried I`ve been happy with.

I also tried Novus 3step system on the headlights. I applied it by hand and it worked pretty good getting off all of the yellow and most of the oxidation....but it didn`t do any better then Clearkote metal polish, and Plexus.:nixweiss Next time I`ll try it with a PC.

Here are the pictures:

Neon before:









Headlights before and after:



12-01-2003, 12:25 PM
Wow, that`s a great job on that neon! Why do you like the FP better?

12-01-2003, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by LightngSVT

Wow, that`s a great job on that neon! Why do you like the FP better?


For a finishing polish I prefer FP because it breaks down faster and leaves a slightly better finish. Don`t get me wrong SSR 1 is a great product but I think it`s tad bit more aggressive then FP.

12-01-2003, 02:50 PM
Great job :up . I have used SSR1 & SSR2 and was considering purchasing SSR3. I really like Poorboys products. I currently have on order Einszett products and will try them out before I purchase SSR3. Nevertheless, thanks for sharing your pictures and comments.

12-01-2003, 03:07 PM
That looks great! I have to agree............ haven`t been disappointed with any of Poorboy`s products............. they`ve all worked great!

12-01-2003, 04:06 PM
Hiya - a couple of quick questions on the SSR3-2-1 combo. I have a similar situation with a black ford ranger (2002). What pad did you use for the SSR3, Not 100% sure but I take it you did the scratched/bad areas in 2`x3` spots, then all over with ssr2 then ssr 1 ? thanks in advance

12-01-2003, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by groebuck

Hiya - a couple of quick questions on the SSR3-2-1 combo. I have a similar situation with a black ford ranger (2002). What pad did you use for the SSR3, Not 100% sure but I take it you did the scratched/bad areas in 2`x3` spots, then all over with ssr2 then ssr 1 ? thanks in advance

SSR3 is very aggressive, I used a CMA white pad with the pc @ 3.5.

I went over the SSR3 sections with SSR1 only not #2. Going over the SSR3 area with #2 to me, was not necessary because SSR1 removed any hazing left by #3. For the rest I did SSR2 followed up with SSR1. Hope that helps!

Here is a shot of the hood after half done with SSR3:


12-01-2003, 05:22 PM
:up The SSR line does work well.

12-01-2003, 05:29 PM
Gotta love before and after shots :D.

I am not familiar with SSR products, but they seem to do quite a job. S100 is always a champ in my book for that finishing touch.

I`m sure the owner is amazed with the results. Great Work!

12-01-2003, 07:46 PM
I`ve been playing around with SSR1 and 2, with limited success because they aren`t really meant to be used by hand and I`ve been getting some minor marring. Until I get a PC, I really can`t use them to their full potential or do a fair review on them. Thanks for the review and the techniques you used, it will give me a basis to work from when I finally break down and get a PC.

I really like PwC, EX an Natty Paste Wax though.

Really nice work on the Neon, absolutely amazing improvement!

12-01-2003, 11:31 PM
I just love before and afters. Great work.


12-02-2003, 02:01 PM
thanks !!! great work BTW

12-02-2003, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Scottwax

I`ve been playing around with SSR1 and 2, with limited success because they aren`t really meant to be used by hand and I`ve been getting some minor marring. Until I get a PC, I really can`t use them to their full potential or do a fair review on them. Thanks for the review and the techniques you used, it will give me a basis to work from when I finally break down and get a PC.

I know what you mean, I think if you get a PC you`ll find them very useful. For me, as far as aggressiveness, they are in between the 3 I`m using now.

- SSR1 is between a SMR and a finishing polish like VM, FP

- SSR2 is between SMR and DACP and

- SSR3 is more aggressive then DACP

Plus you can use them in the sun:xyxthumbs

I really like PwC, EX an Natty Paste Wax though. .

PwC and EX are very easy to use and work great..haven`t tried Natty wax yet:nixweiss

Really nice work on the Neon, absolutely amazing improvement!


I forgot to mention what I used on the worst part of the car, the plastic textured bumpers, I used VM and it worked great and really brought them back! It actually gave them a bit of a shine:eek:

Classy Detail
12-03-2003, 01:24 AM
Excellent job blkyukon :xyxthumbs It looks like it just had a new paint job. How long did it take you to do the job?

12-03-2003, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Classy Detail

Excellent job blkyukon :xyxthumbs It looks like it just had a new paint job. How long did it take you to do the job?

Thanks, the full exterior detail took about 3 1/2 hours