View Full Version : Collinite 476s!

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11-30-2003, 08:39 PM
Well, got back from Jersey for Thanksgiving late last night and found my Collinite waiting for me from Autofanatics.com. Today I went nuts. DACP on the rear bumper and trunklid (someone in Jersey felt it would be neat to wipe the dust and dirt off of my trunklid and the top of the rear bumper with their sleeve or something, swirled both all to hell) then GEPC, one coat of EX and one coat of the Collinite. Looks great! Applied the 476s with the PC at speed 4, went on real smooth. Based on Accumulator, Splichy, dr`s and other`s advice I didnt wait for it to haze and wiped it straight off. No trouble there. It really makes the metallic pop, if its half as durable as they say it`ll be a winter keeper. Muted the EX a LITTLE, not a lot. I`m going to put another coat on tomorrow and may top with S100, we`ll see.

I did however find that after sitting out in the Jersey acid rain for two straight nights decimated the EX I had on there, which had been through the high pressure wash 3 times before the fourth time today. There was none left on the horizontal surfaces. The sides were still beading though so hopefully the Collinite will give me the winter oomph that I`m looking for.

Overall I`m really pleased with the product. Can`t wait to see it bead...

11-30-2003, 08:53 PM
That is good to hear. 476 is a paste, right? How did YOU go about applying it with your PC?

11-30-2003, 09:21 PM
Yep it is, a pretty hard one too. I just scraped it up with a butter knife and spread it onto the PC pad. Worked really well. I then did hard to reach areas and the wheels with a Meguiars foam pad.

I`ll take pics tomorrow after the second coat, as usual these days I was finishing up in the dark.

11-30-2003, 09:25 PM
Hmm, sounds interesting. :) I take it you prefered to use it by PC than by hand?

My only paste is S100.....I`ve not tried applying it with a PC....do you with this product also?



11-30-2003, 09:27 PM
Naa, no point in applying S100 by PC I feel, its so easy to use. Collinite is a little harder to spread, and the PC let me get a much more even coat much more quickly. Even by PC I had problems spreading the Collinite across the wide flat areas like the hood and the roof, it would dry out and I`d have to almost put on a coat too thick to get it to spread easy.

11-30-2003, 11:15 PM
I bought a Simoniz cordless last spring cuz I wasn`t sure I was deep enough into this to get a PC .. well now I have the PC I have been using the cordless for applying waxes be it liquid or paste. The 4" pad fits in the cans and does a nice job of evenly applying the wax. Pads are cheap .. $10 Can for 4 .. bout $7 US so I have dedicated pads.

11-30-2003, 11:28 PM
I always felt Collinite needs S100 for the pop it lacks. The two combined make a nice combination.

The Collinite for the swirl muting and durability and the S100 for the brilliance. I do the Collinite #915 every 8 weeks and the S100 every two weeks.


11-30-2003, 11:33 PM
I ran out to get some things from the store tonight and was quite intrigued by the way the Collinite brought the copper flake in my paint out. The color burst around where the parking lot light hit the paint really looked totally different. The EX and S100 bring out the red pearl in the paint, the Collinite really brings out the copper flake, making the color look completely different.

Very nice indeed. Will probably top it with S100 just to see how it looks, but I`m pretty satisfied with the look of the Collinite.

12-01-2003, 01:23 PM
GoodnClean- Glad to hear you`re pleased with your 476S. Also glad to hear the application-by-PC worked out for you. Interesting about how it changed the look of your paint- sounds pretty cool to me.

Heh heh, just wait until you see the beading. Dunno if topping with S100 will mute THAT characteristic, though. You might wait until after the next rain so you can experience the 476S beading.

12-01-2003, 03:03 PM
You might keep the 476 can inside overnight and get up to room temp. (70`s ish degrees). Maybe it won`t be quite as hard.:nixweiss

12-01-2003, 03:10 PM
I used the Insulator Wax this weekend topped with Blitz! WOW! I`m set for the winter!

I have exclusively moved to Insulator Wax and shelved my 476s. Ease of use was the main factor. Durability is not an issue for me especially when my surfaced is prepped with AIO.

I will try the balance of my 476 on my wheels.

12-01-2003, 05:27 PM
After looking at the car extensively today in the sunlight, I think I`ll stick with just the 476 for a while, I think it looks great. Its like an entirely different color, I hope I can capture that on film and compare it with older pics of the car for you all. I got a lot of comments on it today so its not just a subtlety that only an Autopian would notice. Even my fiance commented on how it changed the color and she gets glassy eyed when I talk about detailing lol.

I also noticed it really made the metallic pop on the wheels even. Very impressive.

Didnt get a chance to do the second coat today, will have to get to it tomorrow.

12-01-2003, 07:47 PM
The 476 is a TOTALLY acceptable wax in the eyes of most people. You can`t go wrong.

When you live in a freezing climate and don`t have the time to get out there for an extended period of time, the protection / shine factor provided by the 476 is second to none.

It`ll keep you looking good for the winter. And, if you catch a warmer day, you can always run out there after she`s cleaned up and slap on a coat of s100 or something to that effect! ;)

12-01-2003, 08:14 PM
Yeah we get lucky and get our fair share of 45-50 degree days during the winter so maintaining it shouldn`t be THAT big a deal really. Plus I`ll be driving the Explorer in the snow...

Corey Bit Spank
12-01-2003, 08:17 PM
What is collinite? Polymer, resin, carnauba? Sounds intriguing.