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11-30-2003, 08:26 PM
I was told pakshak was the way to go, but I have tried calling 1000 times and no answers, no return calls.

Also, a lot of places sell cotton/terry applicators and I am looking for some MF one`s. I dont trust anything but air and MF on my car now.

Also, autopia sells stuff like Ultimate drying towel, concours buffing towels,etc....do you know where I can get them or find out who makes them?

11-30-2003, 08:52 PM
Try this www.pakshak.com . As far as Autopia goes, hit the button labeled Shop at the top right of your screen.

11-30-2003, 08:59 PM
Like i said in my first post. Pakshak does not seem to want my business...they do not answer the phone, return messages, etc./

As for the one`s autopia and CMA sell (called Concours Buffing Towel) I was looking for the name of who makes them and a way to contact them along with some Microfiber companies like Cobra, Viper

11-30-2003, 09:02 PM
Does JT International have a webpage yet? What is his email?

He performs top notch customer service, I want to buy some more from him.

And give Raney time at Pakshak he is a great guy and business owner

11-30-2003, 09:07 PM
What is JT International and what do they make?

11-30-2003, 09:59 PM
I would give Pakshak a little slack. They may be on Thanksgiving holidays. I still haven`t recieved a total for my order from TOL, and I ordered on the 24th. I`m sure they are just taking some time off.

11-30-2003, 10:03 PM
I called the week before Thanksgiving, the week of, the day before, etc....

In the business world, you dont really just take time off in the middle of the week, when its not a holiday, etc..you always have someone there to answer your questions.

Or if your not going to be there, make sure you return all missed calls from the day.

1 think in business is people would rather have a middle of the pack product and incredible customer service then terrible customer service and the best product

Steve @ Guru
11-30-2003, 10:16 PM
I`ve tried almost every microfiber towel made, and have really started to like "wayne`s towels."

Wayne was banned from here some time ago, but personally, I don`t have a problem with him or his towels. They`re as good as (if not better than) anyone else`s, and they`re cheap.

I see he just started a website too, you might check it out at: www.waynestowels.com

11-30-2003, 10:47 PM
The Turtle Wax MF towels you can buy at Autozone are actually pretty good. They aren`t very big, so you should get a few waffle weave MFs for drying.

Viking has some MF towels coming out early next year that are terrific! Very soft and super absorbent, almost like a smaller waffle weave with tighter `waffles` and no hem. Not sure exactly when they will be available or the price though.

11-30-2003, 10:53 PM
Email Ranney instead, when I ordered a few months ago, he was on top of everything and I called him first time around and he answered. You won`t regret it, plus he has free shipping too! You can`t beat it.

11-30-2003, 10:57 PM
Thanks guys. Wayne just e-mailed me back. After 20 min, on a sunday nigth. Wow.

12-01-2003, 05:26 AM
I`d say try Ranney; he`s never failed to respond to emails I`ve sent him from the UK, does a great deal for Autopians too! My order scheduled to arrive sometime next 10 days.

12-01-2003, 05:53 AM
I`d say try Ranney; he`s never failed to respond to emails

I would def try and get ahold of Ranney via email. Everytime I have tried to contact him in this manner he has gotten right back to me. A friend of mine just emailed him yesterday and heard back within the hour on a pricing for his MF`s.

You will have no complaints with Pakshak MF`s.

12-01-2003, 06:55 AM
JT International (jtintern@hotmail.com) This is his email address.

I have many - 75+ of his towels. They`ve been washed at least 40 times! I like the blue 16x16 - they have peeloff labels...

At $2.00 each, I love the product and service.

No website, but: 888-989-4584

Just two cents.


12-01-2003, 08:09 AM
I must be an oldschooler but I still love those minty green neatitems the most! Autofiber/MFtech towels are good too.