View Full Version : Swirls and Z5

11-28-2003, 08:59 AM
I have a question, how good is Z5 at filling swirl marks and fine scratches?:bow

Do you recomend removing these before Zaino, if soo,would you use Menzerna Final Polish or Meguiars #9, or anyothers are welcome:xyxthumbs

I was thinking of DACP but I think it is too abrassive for what I have, these swirls are hardly visible:wavey

11-28-2003, 10:35 AM
I really like Menzerna Final polish. It works great for those very minor, hardly visible defects. The Z5 will decrease the visibility of anything left behind, but don`t expect it to fill anything you would like at and say to someone "this scratch" or "this swirling is really bothering me." It will, however, noticeably reduce the visibility of that extremely minor marring that drives autopians crazy.

11-28-2003, 03:06 PM
I have always found that products that claim to fill swirls do so only slightly. This goes for Z5 also.

The best solution is to remove them before using Z. DACP is a good choice, but if they are slight you could also use Swirl Free Polish or #9. I haven`t used Menzerna, so I won`t comment about it or suggest it.

11-28-2003, 04:45 PM
Z5 will fill the *minor* spiderweb type swirls if used properly. I think the #9 has oils and fillers so using it may reduce the visability of the swirls and then the prep for the Z will remove the fillers leaving the swirls behind.

You could use #9 on a panel then follow it with 50/50 alcohol/water to see where you are.

I used the Menzerna Intensive where needed then the Final on the rest of the car till I was happy with the results. Then because I had it I used Z5 x 2 then the Z2 .. Zaino as with any wax / sealant will only be as good as the prep.

I`m not a fan of SMRs or glazes with fillers. I prefer to remove the swirls then protect.