View Full Version : Boston Area Detailer

11-24-2003, 03:43 PM
Well I`m fed up. No matter how many swirls I remove with my PC and menzerna polishes, the second I touch the car with ANYTHING (CBTs including), it seems they are back. I can`t figure out if its me, or black cars are just actually that really truly impossible to keep clean. I can`t deal with it anymore, so I want to see what someone else can do. Does anyone know an AWESOME detailer or detailing shop around Norwood, MA? I don`t want just good. I am good, infact, better than any of the places I know, so that is why this is so hard for me. I want the car to be PERFECT. No swirls, no nothing. And especially no fillers. Whoever does the work will have to deal with me watching, and probably participating. I prefer to use only zymol or pinnacle souveran - so no synthetics or glazes here. I want the car to be perfect in and of itself, not using any product as a crutch. My guess is that I have taken it as far as I can, but I just don`t know. I`ve got to be doing something wrong (though I can`t imagine what).

Any takers/reccomendations of places to go?


11-24-2003, 05:33 PM
Send a PM to AlBoston and Gonzo0903, one of the two should be able to help you.


11-24-2003, 05:58 PM
You want perfection on black without using glazes? Good luck.

I`ve detailed plenty of black cars and have owned a few and showed a few. If someone can tell me how to get a truly perfect finish on black paint without the use of a filler-type product, I`m all ears. I`ve been trying to do this for the better part of 20 years.

11-24-2003, 06:52 PM
I am very close, but just not there, and it is driving me nutty. I hear people talking about a "swirl-free" finish, and I just can`t seem to get one. No matter how hard I look I find more, and it seems the second I drive the car, they multiply. I do my best to not touch it with anything but CBTs and pinnacle souveran, and I am by no means a novice when it comes to using a PC, applying wax, and other "no-nos". Black cars are horrbile.


11-30-2003, 08:42 AM
I have had excellent results finessing the paint with Malco Buff Lite and a rotary. I do this with a foam pad at low speeds until the product is used up and I get a mirror finish. No swirls are present and I top coat with Malco Imperial paste wax. You could probably get the same results with other non abrasive compounds but I like Buff Lite because it stays wet longer. It has no fillers and is white in color. It could be that the swirls you are trying to remove are deeper than you think and you are not spending enough time finessing. Hope this helps.

11-30-2003, 09:56 PM
Thanks for the advice. where can I read p on the Malco products?


Steve @ Guru
11-30-2003, 10:10 PM
You`ve said it perfectly yourself - black cars are horrible. The problem with them is that while it`s possible to get them swirl free, it`s nearly impossible to KEEP them swirl free.

Reading about swirl free finishes is quite a bit different from actually seeing/achieving them. We like to take pictures and share them of our vehicles when they look their finest. We don`t take pictures and share them 2-3 days after our masterful details have been completed. :) You`d be surprised at how many of us who post here don`t maintain 100% perfect finishes on our vehicles; I know I`m guilty of driving a dirty car on a somewhat regular basis...

I`ve come to realize that photos posted on the web are usually quite forgiving to the taker, and I`ve also given up on trying to maintain a perfect finish 100% of the time. I drove myself crazy trying to remove every single imperfection and then trying to keep the car(s) perfect.

My guess is that your car is looking as good, if not better than the majority of our vehicles. I wouldn`t worry so much about it, but rather, enjoy the car and use each future detailing as an opportunity to try something new and to attempt to perfect the finish a little more than you did the time before. You`ll continue to learn, your vehicle will continue to look better, and you won`t go crazy trying to make it 100% perfect. :)

Just my $0.02...

11-30-2003, 10:10 PM
lets meet up, i have a black C320 which is pretty swirl free. let me know. I have also learned the same thing steve did, it is impossible to keep it perfect, but you can keep it looking pretty darn good. I always get comments on both of our black cars (one with a fair share of swirls and one almost swirl free).

Steve @ Guru
11-30-2003, 10:12 PM
You mean, your parents have a C320 that is pretty swirl-free, right?


11-30-2003, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by geekysteve

You mean, your parents have a C320 that is pretty swirl-free, right?


they sure do :)