View Full Version : Help cleaning wheels?

11-23-2003, 07:11 PM
My first post here:

My girlfriend just bought a used Jetta. Its in good condition, but there is some very stubborn brake dust on the wheels. I consider myself pretty good at cleaning cars, but I cannot get this dust to budge. I have tried wheel cleaners, cleaner wax, wheel wax....everything.

It basically look like the brake dust is baked on...it looks (and feels) like rust. Its only in the corners of the wheels (not all over).

I know its not rust, because in some spots i have been able to clean it off.

Is there any product that will cut through this??

11-23-2003, 10:33 PM
a steamer might be able to lift it off....

11-24-2003, 12:03 AM
My suspect is that the brake dust has etched the wheel, post some pictures and we can better help diagnose the problem.

MBZ 500E
11-24-2003, 01:12 PM
As Greg already suggested a photo will definitely help.

Try taking a small piece of claybar to it, if that doesn`t work try a cleaner polish. If neither works the clearcoat is probably etched.

11-24-2003, 01:32 PM
I had great success with old brake dust on a mid-90`s Buick my wife drives ising the new orange collered wheel cleaner from Eagle One

11-24-2003, 01:43 PM
~One man’s opinion~

Try P21S Gel Wheel Cleaner and let it ‘sit’ for a while (it won’t harm type of any wheel finish) and then hose off. If the brake dust has ‘etched’ the wheels I’m sure someone on this forum can give you some good advise on ‘how-to’.

Good luck with it

Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted…/


11-24-2003, 02:10 PM
It is worth trying a brake cleaner, it may take a few attempts but I found it very successful at removing very stubborn brake dust. Clay can be used afterwards prior to using any polish and sealant

11-24-2003, 04:27 PM
I do have brake cleaner, will that harm the finish of the wheels?

11-24-2003, 04:47 PM
The wife`s Passat has the same problem. Typical on VWs with `busy` wheel designs. The brake dust gets in, doesn`t wash out readily, and does etch into the paint.

The best stuff that I`ve found to clean it up is Klasse All-In-One.

It takes a long time for each wheel, as each wheel has 7 or 9 spokes (can`t remember), and there are small indentations at the edge of each spoke, where the brake dust deposits.

I use an old 100% cotton rag, with a paint stirrer to push it down into the indentations.

The results aren`t perfect, but you can make a big improvement if you take your time.

11-25-2003, 02:46 AM
Brake cleaner should not hurt the paint but it is not as safe as a normal wheel cleaner for everyday use.