View Full Version : BillNorth is the man! (and his klasse technique)

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11-29-2003, 09:07 PM
Ah Bill, my buddy, knew you missed me! ;-)

I`ll have to scan my bottle and post for ya`ll....

11-29-2003, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by RH

Ah Bill, my buddy, knew you missed me! ;-)

I`ll have to scan my bottle and post for ya`ll....

Please do.

And, for the record, my bottle of SG says "EASY ON, EASY OFF" in caps. No mention anywhere of wiping on, then IMMEDIATELY wiping off.

You and I both know the people at Klasse are notoriously vague about their product. We`d have a better chance of performing a root canal on a crocodile then getting hard and fast answers from the Klasse people. The info we (the forum, not a mouse HelrotCi) got from Bob @ Klasse USA is probably the most detailed official information to come from them.

Anyway, show me your bottle. Maybe you have an updated one from the rest of us.

I`m intrigued...

Your buddy,

Bill N.

11-29-2003, 11:54 PM
Hey Bill, how would you describe your car`s paint slickness post wash with your technique? When I stumbled on this forum Klasse is what I began using and to this day still love it however, I discovered I was into "slickness" and for the last two years have been a Z man. I used what I refer to as Showroom L`s technique for removal, after it dried for 30 or so minutes, damp MF. Initially it is a great feel, but after the first wash squeaky clean. There`s always room on my shelf for Klasse. Slick finish for yours?

11-30-2003, 06:21 AM
Just put two more layers of SG on each of my cars over the Holiday weekend using this wipe on wipe off method and it worked great.

11-30-2003, 08:35 AM
Yum, never knew how well crow tastes for breakfast....

It`s AIO that says no drying time necessary, NOT SG. However, in my defense, it does say very thin layer and wipe after drying - which is about 1-3 minutes tops anyway.

So anyway, kudos to Bill for spelling it out.


11-30-2003, 09:03 AM
I must have one of the few bottles of SG which clearly state to `allow to dry`.

11-30-2003, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Likecars

Hey Bill, how would you describe your car`s paint slickness post wash with your technique? When I stumbled on this forum Klasse is what I began using and to this day still love it however, I discovered I was into "slickness" and for the last two years have been a Z man. I used what I refer to as Showroom L`s technique for removal, after it dried for 30 or so minutes, damp MF. Initially it is a great feel, but after the first wash squeaky clean. There`s always room on my shelf for Klasse. Slick finish for yours?


Regardless of which app/removal method I use my SG displays the same behaviour. That being, any newly applied layer has a slippery feeling up until the first wash. After that, it is still smooth, but the slipperyness disappears. It doesn`t concern me too much becuase the car still loks great, and the SG is still doing it`s job of protecting. I know what you mean, I love the slipperyness too. I can live with SG the way it is. No product is perfect. Though I would like to try Z this summer and compare.

11-30-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by RH

Yum, never knew how well crow tastes for breakfast....

It`s AIO that says no drying time necessary, NOT SG. However, in my defense, it does say very thin layer and wipe after drying - which is about 1-3 minutes tops anyway.

So anyway, kudos to Bill for spelling it out.


Thanks for the half-kudos. I suppose that`s the most I can expect from you :D .

Back in the day we debated about dry time as well. Most of us thought SG did in fact need an hour to dry. A lot people also thought that the longer it dried the easier it was to remove. I don`t think I necessarly spelled it out, because frankly, it isn`t that obvious that 1-3 minutes is the max dry time. Maybe it was obvious for you. But I know I didn`t infer that from the bottle itself. It was Bob`s direct tip that got me to try it. Granted, I didn`t do it right away becuase I was skeptical about it, like many of us were at the time. But desperation this past summer drove to do it.

Take it easy.

11-30-2003, 07:05 PM
High summer temps & humidity makes the drying problem worse. Better in other seasons. 50-60F in the shade is my favorite temp.

11-30-2003, 09:12 PM
Likecars, Klasse SG applied the wipe on wipe off way def. creates a slick surface unlike the 1 hr wet MF technique. I like klasse again now!!!:)

11-30-2003, 11:04 PM
Bill, glad to see my experience is similar to yours with regards to the slickness, but I am getting the itch to try your application method. I may need a fresh kit for Christmas. On your Z trial I`d be surprised if you were not happy with it.

Al, good to hear you are back in business with Klasse. Ok, you have a fresh SG and Z on the cars after the first wash I`d love a follow up on how they feel btwn the two.

LC :)

11-30-2003, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Likecars

Bill, glad to see my experience is similar to yours with regards to the slickness, but I am getting the itch to try your application method. I may need a fresh kit for Christmas. On your Z trial I`d be surprised if you were not happy with it.

Al, good to hear you are back in business with Klasse. Ok, you have a fresh SG and Z on the cars after the first wash I`d love a follow up on how they feel btwn the two.

LC :)

well the Z already got its wash on the C320 and beaded up great! Hopefully the ML might squeeze one last hand wash in before winter... we`ll see!

12-01-2003, 05:44 AM
After reading this thread, and having done the wife`s Passat last week (using 1 hour drying time for 2 coats of SG - 24 hrs apart), I just did the black MB using the `no wait time` method (again, 2 coats of SG - 24 hrs apart).

I can definitely say that `no-wait` is much easier, and left a perfectly clear paint - no streaking. The results were truly the best I`ve ever had on this car.

Now I`ve got two cars, prepped the same way (Dawn wash, Griot`s #3 polish using PC, 2 x AIO using PC, 2 x SG). The only difference in the treatments was that the SG on the Passat was allowed to dry for an hour before wiping off, the SG on the Benz was removed immediately (1-2 minutes). I`ll post any durability differences as winter moves along.

One side note: When SG was left un-wiped on the glass sunroof of the Benz, it formed a VERY stout, very sticky film. Attempting to wipe off this film resulted in stripping fibers from the MF cloth I was using. It was almost like trying to wipe off sticker adhesive using an MF cloth. After employing some alcohol to clean the glass, it came right off. I don`t recall SG behaving like this on paint - but it certainly is harder to wipe after drying for an hour.

Thanks for the tip, guys!

12-01-2003, 07:57 AM
I spent 2 days over Turkey Day weekend working on my Lightinig. Did a full DACP, SMR, FP on all exposed paint. After 2-3 panels, went back a applied some AIO. Next day hit the hood with SG and had major problems - I used a 4 inch yellow foamie and could not get it on thin enough and ended up getting ridges and blobs of the SG everywhere. After waiting for it to haze over, I couldn`t touch it with a dry microfiber. I looked as if I had applied red acrylic paint with a spatula! WHAT A DISASTER! :scared

Then I remembered had bought some SONUS HIGH GLOSS ACRYLIC SPRITZ a couple of months ago (Klasse friendly), so sprayed some on a MF and ALL THE BLOBS, RIDGES AND OTHER IMPERFECTIONS WIPED AWAY IN AN INSTANT and all that was left was an awsome shire. On the rest of the vehicle, I used a water wet, but almost wroung out (ligltly damp), MF folded to 6 layers to apply the SG - MUCH SMOOTHER APPLICATION (ie - no spatula look) and after hazing, finished off with a squirt of SONUS on a MF and finally a dry MF. Vehicle is awesome in sunlight and just sparkles under the lights at night. :D :D :D

When to a local show on Sat night and found a couple of spots I missed buffing out some scratches and a few other spots where there was a little "haze" left from the SG :down. Thanks God for the SONUS - does it come in gallon jugs?????

12-01-2003, 08:50 AM
Could you ever get the haze off at the show?