View Full Version : Few pics of a Jag I detailed today

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Anthony O.
11-21-2003, 09:50 PM
Did several cars today, just washes, cept for this Jag detail.

Car was just filthy because of the rains we had last week, lots of gritty, encrusted gunk.

I could only take a few snaps as my camera battery was on the brink of death:(


Anthony O.
11-21-2003, 09:53 PM

Anthony O.
11-21-2003, 09:54 PM
another one

Anthony O.
11-21-2003, 09:57 PM
I used Light Cut with my Cyclo after it was clayed and then the Cyclo again with a new glaze I am trying out and hoping to develop into something new. I`ll keep you all informed if and when something comes of it.

Topped it with P21S


11-21-2003, 10:52 PM
Nice :up. Has a very wet look.

11-21-2003, 11:22 PM
The Friends o` Jags thank you mightily, Anthony! :bigups

Is that an XK8? (I`m still learning my post-70s Jags :( )

Anthony O.
11-21-2003, 11:31 PM

Thank You :)

Lynn, this is an XKR Jag with a supercharged V8. Nice cars but I really don`t care for the seats in the XK`s. Something with more side bolster support would be good.

Glad you enjoyed the pictures :)


11-21-2003, 11:53 PM
:bow :bow :bow

Nice job, Anthony! P21S and silver make such a nice combination!

BTW, any heads up on the new glaze would be much appreciated!

Anthony O.
11-22-2003, 12:03 AM
Hey Scott,

Thanks! I am going to do a black Jag tomorrow and I plan on using the glaze on that also. First black car I will be trying it on to see how it stacks up against AIO and others.

I will be sure to put up some pictures. I will also post some pictures of a beautiful red Porsche GT2 I did last week but was unable to take any AFTER shots in the sun, too freakin windy that day and then the power went out for 2 hours:shocked

Here though are two pics of the car from inside the garage. Sorry they could not be in better light.


Anthony O.
11-22-2003, 12:04 AM
Next shot

11-22-2003, 12:05 AM
Now that`s a Porsche :eek:!!!!!!

11-22-2003, 12:47 AM
Anthony-I have a feeling early next week, any pics I`ll be taking will be in garages....70`s and low 80`s to the 30`s and 40s for temperatures. Ugh.

It was supposed to rain on Sunday when I detailed the Highboy and `55 T Bird and I was dreading having to take pics in a cramped garage of them. Luckily, the day turned out dry and sunny.

BTW, beautiful work on the Porsche. Care to divulge what you used on it?

Anthony O.
11-22-2003, 01:02 AM
Thanks Scott

and sure I shall reveal to all my plan of attack.

I last detailed this Porsche about 9 months ago and it was in decent shape when I got there, all cept for the front end. It was just plastered with dead bugs, really disgusting:scared

I used "Wheel Wash" on the wheels with an E-Z Detail brush to get the wheels nice and clean. Platinum`s Tire Gel for dressing on the tires and Black Again on exterior trim.

The paint was clayed and had to be buffed with a rotary, mainly on the top surfaces, and then the Cyclo took over from there with Light Cut, Final Polish and then hit with Vanilla Moose and topped with Trade Secret.

I tried using that Diamondite glass stuff on the glass of this Porsche but that stuff is not all the great. Never use it again:down

Like I said earlier, I will try and post pictures of the Porsche out in the sun, if the doctor remembers toleave me the key.

Thanks again,


11-22-2003, 01:05 AM
Anthony-when you say Final Polish, do you mean the Mezerna (spelling?) or the Car Polishes one?

Anthony O.
11-22-2003, 01:09 AM

The Menzerna FP. I used the Cyclo with finishing pads and went very slow over small areas of the paint.

I really like the FP and the way it works BUT it can get gummy and sticky at times. Works nice by hand which is a big plus as much of the rear area on this Porsche had to be done by hand because of the rear tail and all.
