View Full Version : Swirl Marks that aren`t... you know, like streaking, but ... oh, hell. Read it. =(

11-21-2003, 01:40 PM
I`m assuming my fellow OCD`ers know what I`m talking about here. After you`ve spent so much time - in my case, I just started a series of SG coats on Wednesday - doing your baby, you see what look like swirl marks on a panel. But when you try to wipe them away, they actually disappear, but only from that angle. And over. And over. And very, very annoying. Like oily streaking that just will *not* go away.

The car looks beautiful, but those streaky things are annoying. Anybody have some insightful and infinitely valuable words of wisdom?


11-21-2003, 02:44 PM
haha, you`ve got it! That is the infamous Klasse SG haze. People say applying it the BillNorth way will rid you of the haze. Spray your car with a isopropyl alcohol solution and reapply SG the way it was intended to be applied. Or you can just switch to a different wax/sealant, which is what i did :D.

11-21-2003, 03:00 PM
Al is right. According to Klasse direct you can add 2 or 3 ounces AIO to a 16 ounce spray bottle and fill with water. Shake, spray and wipe ( like using a QD). In the future use Sonus high gloss acrylic spritz as a QD before applying SG.

11-21-2003, 05:29 PM
You want me to apply AIO like that? Being a cleaner, I would think that it would just wear away the SG.

Bill North way... I did see that mentioned, but I don`t think I read it. Cliffs Notes, anyone?


11-21-2003, 06:45 PM
As a cleaner and base use AIO full strenght. To attempt to remove the haze try the AIO/water in the 16 ounce spray bottle. If you use alcohol to remove the Haze then you will have to start over.

There is a recommended mixture of sonus and sg to avoid the haze. I dont have the ratio handy so try doing a search.

good luck

11-21-2003, 07:25 PM
Polaris- Hey there, hope school is going well. You home for TGiving or what?

*I* avoid the SG haze by letting it set up overnight before buffing it off. And you must`ve put it on a little thick. Your C5 would take a LOT less than an ounce, maybe not even 1/2 ounce (I use far less than an ounce to do a minivan). But gee, that how-to-apply advice does you a lot of good NOW, huh ;)

Maybe let your car sit for a while and go over it with a fresh MF and some Meg`s #34 (or some other non-carnauba QD like the Sonus). Or wash it. I haven`t tried the SG or AIO mixtures, myself.

As you can see, there are different ways of dealing with the SG haze.

11-21-2003, 08:00 PM
I`ve actually been wanting to try Zaino, but I like the Klasse twins. ;x

College has been fine. `````y, annoying, and that sort of thing, but generally fine. Somewhat. I want to go back to kindergarten, really.


11-21-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Polaris

College has been fine. `````y, annoying, and that sort of thing, but generally fine. Somewhat. I want to go back to kindergarten, really.


Heh heh, LOL. I get the feeling you`re doing OK :xyxthumbs

11-21-2003, 09:42 PM
Eh, u can just beat on the vette. That will let out some stress, hehe.