View Full Version : help on this scratches

11-12-2003, 03:02 AM
I got the hit&run at my apt parking lot a couple of months ago. I filed the report to local police and just hoping that they can find who did this (suspecting the one car at my parking lot..) but I guess police dont care about this kinda accident..:(

so I guess I`m gonna fix myself but what can I start with?

the picture below is right after the accident so there`re lot of white paint on it. I washed the car 3,4 times by now and I can still feel the top line deeply. :( sigh..

I`ll try to use PC, DACP, #9..and touch up paint + langa(spell?) etc..

any other products I should try?


11-12-2003, 05:50 PM

I removed similar damage on my dad`s LS400 one time with #9 by hand.

It will look much much better after you hit the whole thing with the DACP. I repaired a light bump and a 3 inch long down to the plastic chip with DACP, and the Autosharp pens. Didnt even need the Langka the pens are so precise. I let them dry and hit the area again with DACP, then polished up with GEPC and waxed. You can only tell if you get straight down on hands and knees and look right at the place on the bumper. Even on my tri coat pearl paint. Worked real well.

I would use the DACP and get EVERYTHING off that you can. All that white like you said is just paint, and the DACP will round off any clear damage underneath whatever paint is left.

I really suggest you order an Autosharp pen from www.autovisuals.com. Get one in the color, one in clear and two extra tips. Then use them little by little to layer in the color, then the clear. Then use the Langka if you want (again, I didnt need to) When you`re all done, hit the area with the DACP then the #9 (if you want) and it`ll look great, you`ll be the only one who knows its there.