View Full Version : just put TONNES of scratches on my Lexus!

11-11-2003, 11:39 AM
ok- so i live in Toronto, and it`s starting to snow soon- so i went to the wand- wash station, and little did i know that they failed to put the soap in the foaming brush option yet!!! so i ended up scratching up my whole car with this hard nylon brush this is SUPPOSED to be foaming (i stopped after i realized there was no soap coming out- but it was already too late!)

any suggestions as to how i can remove all these scratch marks? i would say that none of them is really deep, but definitely noticable...i have Meguiars Scratch-X, as well as fine and med cut cleaner on hand...but was wondering what the best applicator would be?:mad:

Guess it does not help that my car is black- so every little mark shows up even more now! :angry

11-11-2003, 12:22 PM
Hey fellow Torontian,

NEVER USE the foaming brush on Paint! I just cringe when I see people do that. Remember, most people (myself included), use that brush to wipe off snow etc for the wheel well and tires). It`s a very very very dirty and abrasive brush.

You`ll probably need something DACP from Meguiars to get them out but I`d first try Swirl Free Polish with a foam applicator and see how that works out. It may take a couple of tries to help level out the swirls.

Try doing a panel a day if it`s too cold out. That way, by the end of the week you should be done.

It`s getting bloody cold out. I just completed my mom Z24 and my GF 2003 EL this weekend (sorry guys, never got any pics as the camera ran out of the batteries during a photoshoot earlier in the day)... I`ve gotta tackle my Z24 now but considering it`s near or at 0 all week, that will make it tough.

11-11-2003, 12:27 PM
I agree with paco. For all you know some contractor in a dump truck used that brush just before you to remove rocks and sand from his truck.

Scott P
11-11-2003, 01:25 PM
You may have to use a folded up terry towel with those products to remove the sratches. Being black, you most likely be in for some work.

11-11-2003, 01:28 PM
I remember my first car when I was 16 it was black also, I still can remember going :scared the first time I went to the "wand-wash" place. I feel your pain.

11-11-2003, 04:43 PM
Like everyone else said. Car wash brushes are for wheels and tires only. Even if it did foam up, it would have still scratched your paint. If you have a PC, you would definitely want to take advantage of it. DACP should work fine like Paco suggested. I got out the marks on my wife`s car from the same incident. Best of luck to ya!:up

11-12-2003, 05:31 PM
The Lexus paint is fairly soft too, remember to work the polish until it powders or starts to dry before you remove it.