View Full Version : All original Red `91 Miata

11-11-2003, 01:40 AM
Here`s a shot of one of last month`s detail jobs. It`s a `91 Miata that is all original (except for the top) and in great condition. Well, actually, it was in pretty wretched shape before I started. I`m bummed because my assistant forgot my digital camera, so i was only able to capture an `after` shot. The car had that famous `pink` Mazda paint, from all of the oxidation that had built up. But a quick bout with my PC and DACP, followed by #20, then #26 left the Miata looking nice and clean!


11-11-2003, 02:04 AM
Great shine, but the pic is a bit squished. Doesn`t do justice to the effort:)

11-11-2003, 02:21 AM
Nice Miata. Looks very cute :D

11-11-2003, 07:27 AM
Green Thumb,

I agree on the pic being squished....I`m trying to figure out how that happened. I must have cropped it along with resizing it, because the original pic was a 4mb file. I`ll have to be more careful the next time I`m shooting pics!
