View Full Version : megs vs. menzerna

11-10-2003, 08:00 AM
went though my black truck with sfp and #81 and it looked awsome in the garage, no swirls under fol. lights or a 500 watt painters lights. when I pulled it out it still looked great than I started to walk around and to my surprize I saw swirls! they were very light and you had to "look" for them. Is this normal for black or should they be gone from ALL angles? I read on one of these threads that menzerna doesn`t leave any swirls and megs does, is this true or are they very similar products?

I hate buying more product if it doesn`t really change the out come.

11-10-2003, 11:04 AM
thanks BlackRegal,

It wasn`t that sfp made swirls just that it left some behide that "menzerna didn`t". I used dacp to get bad swirls and a few light scatches and it worked great with only a few small and light swirls (I belive from the rotery). I followed with sfp on pc and no swirls in any lightting of any kind untill I got into pure sunlight, I followed on pc with #81 and that help but still in sunlight and the "right angle" they are there. I guessed that this is kind of normal for black, being as you really have to try to find that angle but when I read that menzerna didn`t leave any It got me to thinking, probelm is I can`t seem to locate that thread. Being in michigan, do you find this time of year with the sun being at a different angle as being more likly to show flaws? It seemed when the sun was at its highest, these light swirls were harder to see than they were right after sun rise. just trying to fiqure out my limitations.

11-10-2003, 11:34 AM
2000 are you maybe refering to a post that Menzerna has no fillers and by having no fillers swirls don`t reappear a few days later?

11-10-2003, 11:48 AM
Jesstzn, no it stated that megs all left a small amount of swirls (maybe he meant that they were filled, I don`t know?) and that menzerna didn`t. I took it as some what the same problem I`m having, maybe I`m reading into what he said. thats why I wish I could find that thread. I ready don`t want to stop using megs if I going to get same results with another product, I relize some of this is just personal perferance of products but I have to ask to learn, ya know.

11-10-2003, 11:55 AM
Yeepers 2000 I understand .. I have a black car and have struggled too. I had been using #9 etc for a while with some success then Menzerna came along and I could see the results I was getting before the wax/sealant went on.

11-10-2003, 12:11 PM

do you feel you have more of a swirl free look using the menzerna over megs? If you were only using #9 isn`t IP a more aggressive polish?

11-10-2003, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by 2000


do you feel you have more of a swirl free look using the menzerna over megs? If you were only using #9 isn`t IP a more aggressive polish?

I just used the IP in a few trouble areas I used the Menzerna FP on the rest. I didn`t have a PC either I have a Simonize cordless orbital .. PC is on the way.

11-10-2003, 01:28 PM
I have rotery and pc although I think the pc is a must have tool. I can`t even begin to imagine doing this stuff by hand. some mad props need to be given out to those people.

thanks for the help.