View Full Version : claying and paint cleaner

11-10-2003, 01:30 AM
A couple of months ago I polished and waxed my girlfriends pt cruiser with vm and cm. And a couple of months before that I clayed and zaino`d with Z1,Z2. Now these are the two slickest polishes and waxes I have used, but on this car I can`t get any slickness at all. When I rub my fingers across the paint it just feels nasty. Now I am planning to start over again this time with the Klasse twins(not for slickness but to see if it really makes the metallic pop). i want to use a paint cleaner I`m thinking of MPPC or SEPC and claying again. My question is do I need to clay if I use one of these paint cleaners with the AIO, or should I just clay and AIO? If I should use all three cleaners, in what order should I use them,clay and cleaner or cleaner than caly?

11-10-2003, 09:07 AM
Focus on process and procedures, not product.

Use the correct tool for the job. You asked, "do I need to clay...?" I don`t know, do you? Test the finish to find if claying is needed. If so, do it. If not, don`t.

I have no idea what polishes you should use because I can`t see your car. If you have swirls and other minor paint defects then use the polishes. If not, don`t. Try the least aggressive polish first to see if it does the job. If not, move up to the more aggressive polish.

You`re a Contributing Member which means you have David`s Guide To Detailing. I highly suggest you re-read that to refocus yourself on *how* instead of *what*.

Sorry to come across harshly but you`re making a classic novice mistake and there`s no reason for that with the information you have access to.

11-10-2003, 06:20 PM
Paint cleaners dont quite do what a clay bar can, and vice versa....There two independant products, capable of different results....If your paint feels absolutely nasty, I would say a clay is definetly in order....Then you want to clean your paint, this will remove underlying sealants and waxes, while removing light oxidation, reducing swirls and scratches.....if, and only if you like the results of that, then you can seal, or your going to need to do some additional polishing....

Just remember:

Before you reach into the future, you have to deal with the present...so get the paint clean first, I dont care what you use, it aint gonna matter, cuz it aint gonna give you that Autopian Pop....

Only when you like the cleaning/polishing results, should you seal....

11-11-2003, 12:55 AM

I guess I put too much emphasis on the products in my question. I understand it is more about procedures than products. I guess what I really should of asked is claying really necessary if your using a paint cleaner or vice versa. I have never used a paint cleaner but have recently heard good things about mppc. I just wanted to know which cleaned the paint better or if both were really necessary,especially since AIO is another cleaner. I am just trying to eliminate steps if I could. By the way my Autopia book won`t transfer to my new computer without a password and they can`t find my account.


I know I shouldn`t have sealed without getting the paint perfectly clean first, I honestly don`t know why I did it. That is why this time I am gonna get it clean as can be first.

Thanks guys.

11-11-2003, 04:02 AM
Now that I read your posts and thought about it a little bit, I think i am missunderstanding the title paint cleaner. I was under the impression that this was used to just get the paint clean, ala clay. But I now I`m thinking that the paint cleaners are just different brands of polishes. sorry guys.